Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - ERME TOPIC CONFERENCE

Call for Papers and Posters

Following the ERME spirit, all papers will be peer-reviewed and a selection will be made according to the quality of the work and the potential to contribute to the conference themes. There will be pre-conference proceedings, which will be published online on the conference website. Moreover, it is intended to publish a book afterwards. The conference will focus on discussing and further developing accepted papers and posters, on exchanging participants’ knowledge and experiences, and on networking between scholars from different countries and cultures. The participation of young researchers will be particularly encouraged (20% of the participants). Two plenary talks (for opening and closing), several parallel working groups and an integrated poster session will be considered. These working groups will take into account the most representative topics of last CERME (e.g., instructional practices; teachers’ knowledge, beliefs and identity; teacher education and professional development).

A maximum of 60 participants is established in order to allow deep and feasible discussions and reflections. Each participant is invited to present maximal one paper and one poster.

The conference language will be English.


Submissions and Proposals

We welcome theoretical, methodological, empirical or developmental papers (10 pages maximum) and poster proposals (2 pages maximum). Any paper or poster of relevance to the overall focus of the conference will be considered. We particularly welcome contributions presenting young researchers’ approaches and studies.

Papers and poster proposals must use the conference word template. Please, email your proposal (as both a WORD document and a PDF file) to Stefan Zehetmeier ( and the conference secretariat (

Each proposal will be peer-reviewed by at least two persons from among those who submit proposals to the conference. Please expect to be asked to review up to three papers yourself. It may be necessary for you to revise your paper before final acceptance. The IPC will finally decide about the acceptance.



Submissions of paper and poster proposals April 15, 2016
Submission of reviews May 15, 2016
Decisions on acceptance of papers and posters May 31, 2016
Registration for the conference June 30, 2016
Submission of revised papers July 15, 2016