Research Training Groups
RTG 2190: The Literary and Epistemic History of Small Forms
Sketches, abstracts, notes, records, excerpts, essays, articles and glosses: all these ‘small forms’ of writing are an essential part of the practice of research, teaching, art and the media. The Research Training Group “The Literary and Epistemic History of Small Forms” intends to study their emergence and development, with which they are also involved in the success of prose, from antiquity to the present day. The group
will also seek to understand how processes of understanding are controlled, reflected and channelled in specific media using these small forms.
Prof. Dr. Ethel Matala de Mazza
Faculty of Linguistic Science and Literary Studies
Department of German Literature
Dorotheenstraße 24
D-10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 2093-9658
Fax: +49 30 2093-9736
Duration: 04/17 - 03/26
RTG 2458: The Dynamics of Demography, Democratic Processes and Public Policy (DYNAMICS)
What impacts does demographic change have on our political system? And how are political decisions about overcoming demographic challenges made? The RTG “The Dynamics of Demography, Democratic Processes and Public Policy (DYNAMICS)” aims to use these fundamental questions to systematically investigate the relationships between demographic development, demographic processes and public policies using an interdisciplinary approach.
Prof. Dr. Heike Klüver
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences
Universitätsstr. 3b
D-10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 2093-66566
Duration: 09/19-08/28
RTG 2483: Dynamic Integration - Law in-between Harmonisation and Plurality in Europe (DynamInt)
Brexit, the currency crisis, the democratic deficit, the ‘two-speed Europe’ – in recent years, European integration has experienced repeated setbacks. The RTG “Dynamic Integration – Law in-between Harmonisation and Plurality in Europe (DynamInt)” aims to analyse disintegrative processes of this kind and the insistence on nation-state sovereignty from a legal perspective. The harmonisation and plurality of European law should be understood as equally important mechanisms of European integration.
Prof. Dr. Matthias Ruffert
Faculty of Law
Unter den Linden 11
D-10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 2093-3773
Duration: 10/19-09/28
RTG 2575: Rethinking Quantum Field Theory
In recent years important innovations in QFT occurred leading the community to a serious rethinking of its core concepts. These include the methodology of perturbation theory, dualities and hidden symmetries, the prominent role of effective field theory in fundamental physics, modern on-shell methods for scattering amplitudes and the gradient flow methodology in lattice field theory. The further development of these methods and concepts of modern QFT leading to a deep rethinking of it provides the common basis of this proposed research training group (RTG). We designed a timely qualification program for the new generation of quantum field theorists.
Prof. Dr. Jan Plefka
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Physik
Zum Großen Windkanal 6
D-10099 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 2093-66409
Fax: +49 30 2093-7841
Duration: 04/20-03/29
IRTG 2706: Transformative Religion: Religion as Situated Knowledge in Social Transformation Processes
Under the title “Transformative Religion: Religion as Situated Knowledge in Social Transformation Processes”, the German-South African Research Training Group aims to contribute to research into the complex interrelationships between religion and society, in particular comparing countries of the Global North to those of the Global South. What influence does religion exert on social transformation processes? And by the same token, how do transformations in contemporary global societies affect religion? When carrying out case studies, the RTG examines religion as a type of specifically situated knowledge and look into the relationship between religion and social transformation.
Prof. Dr. Torsten Meireis
Faculty of Theology
Burgstr. 26
D-10178 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 2093-91832
Duration: 01/22-06/26