Combined bachelor, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - The course prepares you for a teaching career. However, the second subject may also be studied without the teacher training option. Please also refer to the mono-bachelor in Physics, the ‘Teacher training at HU zu Berlin’ overview and the ‘Bachelor’s and master’s courses at HU’ FAQ as required.
Standard time for completing course
6 semesters
Start of study
Cf. course catalogue
Core subject: can be combined with any other second subjects
Second subject: can be combined with all core subjects
Course structure
Physics can be studied as
Core subject with teaching training option: 113 CP
Second subject with teaching training option: 67 CP, combinable with all core subjects
Second subject without teaching training option: 60 CP, combinable with all core subjects
The range of subjects can be found in the current ’Course catalogue’.
*One credit point (CP) equals a workload of 25 - 30 hours for preparation, follow-up and attendance at classes.
Course objectives
- Acquisition of the ability to think and work independently and scientifically, as well as an introduction to methods for obtaining scientific insights and approaching and solving problems
- Familiarisation with the fundamental concepts of physics, mathematical methods, the description of physical phenomena, the key theories of physics and frequently used experimental and data-processing methods
- The programme is broadly based and is intended to enable students to apply physical insights and methods to other disciplines and technology.
- Where relevant, students are prepared for a teaching-related master’s course through the completion of teacher training modules.
- The HU Physics course gives its students the opportunity to contribute to research and development projects independently and at an early stage.
Course content
Course content, module descriptions and the curriculum can be found in the course and programme regulations no. 58/2014 modyfied by Nr. 78/2015, Nr. 20/2018 und Nr. 77/2018 available online at For further details such as current timetables and the annotated university calendars see, The Course Advisory Service is also available to help you (see Important addresses).
Core subject with teacher training (113 CP)
Mandatory Modules
Module |
Description |
Size |
Module Pk1 |
Experimental Physics 1 |
10 CP |
Module Pk2 |
Experimental Physics 2 |
8 CP |
Module Pk3 |
Experimental Physics 3 |
5 CP |
Module Pk4 |
Mathematical Fundamentals |
6 CP |
Module Pk5 |
Classical Theoretical Physics |
8 CP |
Module Pk6 |
Quantum Mechanics |
8 CP |
Module Pk7 |
Core and Elementary Particle Physics |
5 CP |
Module Pk8 |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
5 CP |
Module Pk9 |
Physical Basic Internship A |
5 CP |
Module Pk10 |
Physics Practical Course B |
5 CP |
Module Pk11 | Demonstration Internship | 5 CP |
Module Pk12 |
Introduction to the didactics of Physics |
7 CP |
Bachelor’s thesis |
10 CP |
Teacher training Modules (16 CP)
Teacher training consists of the Educational Sciences Modules with in total 11 CP and a Language Training Module with 5 CP.
General elective modules - teacher training studies
In addition to specialised study, Students acquire subject-specific, non-specialist and interdisciplinary key qualifications of 10 CP. The general elective modules can be chosen from the module catalogues of other subjects or central institutions (see:</p>
Second subject with teacher training (67 CP)
Mandatory Modules
Module |
Description |
Size |
Module Pk1 |
Experimental Physics 1 |
10 CP |
Module Pk2 |
Experimental Physics 2 |
8 CP |
Module Pk3 |
Experimental Physics 3 |
5 CP |
Module Pk4 |
Mathematical Fundamentals |
6 CP |
Module Pk5 |
Classical Theoretical Physics |
8 CP |
Module Pk6 |
Quantum Mechanics |
8 CP |
Module Pk9 |
Physical Basic Internship A |
5 CP |
Module Pk10 |
Physical Basic Internship B |
5 CP |
Module Pk11 | Demonstration Internship | 5 CP |
Module Pk12 |
Introduction to the didactics of Physics |
7 CP |
Second subject without teacher training (60 CP)
Mandatory Modules
Module |
Description |
Size |
Module Pk1 |
Experimental Physics 1 |
10 CP |
Module Pk2 |
Experimental Physics 2 |
8 CP |
Module Pk3 |
Experimental Physics 3 |
5 CP |
Module Pk4 |
Mathematical Fundamentals |
6 CP |
Module Pk5 |
Classical Theoretical Physics |
8 CP |
Module Pk6 |
Quantum Mechanics |
8 CP |
Module Pk9 |
Physical Basic Internship A |
5 CP |
Module Pk10 |
Physical Basic Internship B |
5 CP |
Module Pk11 | Demonstration Internship | 5 CP |
General elective course offerings for students coming from other courses of studies
Module |
Description |
Size |
Module Pk1e |
Introduction to Physics 1 |
10 CP |
Module Pk2e |
Introduction to Physics 2 |
10 CP |
Master’s degree
You can apply for the following master’s courses at Humboldt-Universität:
- Master of Education
- Physics (if module P3 is also taken).
You’ll find other programmes in the current ‘Post-graduate degree courses’ course catalogue, available at
Important addresses
Department of Physics: Newtonstraße 15, 12489 Berlin,
Course Advisory Service: Prof. Priemer, Tel. +49 30 2093- 7740,
Classification and recognition of studies and qualifications (Examinations Office): Ms. Voigt, Tel. +49 30 2093- 7607/7605,
Teacher Training Service Centre:, Tel. 030/2093-70813,
Applications:, see also ‘Course catalogue’
Links to job market: careers information centre, employment market reports, Federal Employment Office Berufenet, Hochschulteam calenddar of events
Version: January 2020
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