Part-Time Studies
As a general rule, studies at Humboldt-Universität are full time. There may, however, may be circumstances in which people are prevented from taking up full-time studies because they are in a job by which they have to finance their studies; they may have children or relatives to look after, etc. If you are unable to attend more than half the amount of lectures and seminars prescribed as compulsory in the Course and Examination Regulations you can take advantage of the possibility to study part time.
Which courses can be attended on a part-time basis?
Basically, each course can be taken on a part-time basis. There are only few exceptions. You may not attend a course part-time,
- if the Course and Examination Regulations explicitly exclude part-time studies. Confer: This is the case with some Master's courses. All first-degree courses including those leading to the Bachelor's degree, to the Diplom and to the State Examination can be taken on a part-time basis;
- if the course is a double-degree course, i.e. two fully-fledged courses taken simultaneously.
In the case of teacher training courses run/taken in combination with another university, information should be gathered from the other university.
What is the status of part-time studies?
Part-time students at the University are of the same status as full-time students. The Course and Examination Regulations are binding for both groups. Fees and other financial contributions have to be paid to the full amount. Part-time semesters are considered to be complete university semesters if the student's stay at the institution is considered, but they are counted as half-semesters if the student's studies of a subject is in question, which means that the standard length of a course doubles.
How to become a part-time student?
- In the case of courses without restrictions on entry the decision to study part-time can be made when you register or re-register after each semester. If you are interested you must submit an application to the Registration Office within six weeks after starting studies to make it effective for the semester. Your decision can be corrected in any other semester.
- For courses with restricted entry the decision in favour of part-time studies must be made when the student registers. It will then be binding for a maximum of one year and is hereafter valid for all subsequent semesters as long as there are restrictions of entry to the course.
You can find out whether or not there are restrictions of entry to a particular course by clicking on Studienangebot .
What should be carefully considered before a decision is made?
- Before you make a decision the effects it may have on other spheres of life outside the University should be taken into account. There might include grants or scholarships, social insurance contributions, children's benefit, tax matters, permission to live in a student hostel, visa matters, etc.
- Please, contact the responsible authorities and discuss your intention with them.
- Almost all courses at Humboldt start in the Winter Semester. As a result, some lectures and seminars are offered only once every year. Besides, in quite a few courses there is a certain order according to which lectures and seminars should be attended is recommended.
- Humboldt-Universität has made it one of its foremost concerns to meet the special requirements of part-time students. It is, however, not possible to offer lectures und services specifically to part-time students. You should, therefore, contact the course advisers at departmental level before you make a decision to discuss with them how you can organize your studies in your specific personal circumstances.
Who can help you?
If you have concrete questions concerning the organization of your studies and your personal timetable you should contact the course advisers at departmental level (Studienfachberatung). For more general questions it is advisable to contact the Counselling Service of Humboldt-Universität (Allgemeine Studienberatung). A conversion with the peer counselling service (studentische Studienfachberatung to be found at the websites of the faculties and departments), or with the advisers of the peer counselling system (studentischen Sozialberatungssystem). For information about how the procedure is administered, please contact the Enrolment Office (Immatrikulationsbüro)