
Humboldt & Business

Use the innovative research of the HU for your success. We support you in networking and implementation.

New ideas and research results are turned into innovations in compatible partnerships. The "Map of Research Expertise" facilitates finding suitable experts for your implementation-oriented research project and to access the university's intellectual property, or to find a scientific mentor for your startup. Contact us!

Find the right experts for your research project!

The Map of Research Expertise offers a topic- and industry sector centered overview of Humboldt-Universität's scientists and their innovative research. Find the right experts for your research project! Find out more on: 

Interested in connecting & networking with researchers at HU? 

Humboldt-Innovation offers tailor-made formats for networking between university researchers and potential clients, ranging from individual matching events and topic-specific workshops to a trade fair sponsorship programme. Click here to find out more about our networking formats.


Support for your research and start-up projects

Numerous offers have been created to support students, alumni, researchers and founders with their research and start-up projects. In addition to financial resources, you can also take advantage of advisory services that accompany all phases from the initial idea to the start-up and beyond. Events are also held regularly to create networking opportunities and thus promote the transfer of knowledge to the economy.


