Stabsstelle Career Center & Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung

Intercultural Management - Leading Across Cultures

Referentin: Cornelia Schultheiss
Leistungspunkte: 5

Embark on a unique journey to enhance your application with leadership competences in international settings - a standout skill in today's globalized world. As the number of international projects rises, so does the need for growing and adapting management and leadership skills.

In this engaging course, you're invited to explore the fascinating world of "Leading Across Cultures." Dive into practical approaches, methods, and behaviors that will broaden your horizons and expand your operational scope in intercultural situations. These tools will empower you to lead with greater finesse, efficiency, and success in the diverse and dynamic challenges you'll encounter.

Here's a glimpse of what we'll explore together:

  • The Art of Intercultural Communication
  • Leadership Across Cultures: Adapting Your Style Globally
  • Navigating Leadership and Conflict in Diverse Teams
  • Crafting Your Culturally Competent Leadership Style

Our journey will be hands-on and interactive. You'll have opportunities to engage, experiment, and contribute in various scenarios. Leading interculturally isn't just a skill - it's an enriching adventure that opens doors to diversity and creates synergy.

A friendly reminder: Our first session is key to your journey, and your presence is essential. Joining later isn't an option, so let's start this adventure together from day one! Please ensure you're available for all our in-person sessions.

To earn your credits, make sure to bring your enthusiasm for regular, active participation, a readiness for self-reflection, and commitment to the exercises and presentation.
Looking forward to seeing you!"


Studierende des Studienganges Rechtswissenschaft: Bitte informieren Sie sich ab sofort über die für das Modul BZQ I für die juristische Ausbildung anerkannten Kurse des Career Centers ausschließlich über folgende Website:


Modul MA1755
Termin: 22.08./23.08./29.08./30.08./05.09./06.09./13.09.2024
Alle aufgeführten Termine gehören zu einem Modul!
Zeit: 10.00 s.t. – 17.00 Uhr
Ort: Dorotheenstr. 24, Raum 3.025

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