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Corporate Social Responsibility

4th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, 22.-24.Sept. 2010


Corporate Social Responsibility and Challenges around the Globe is the topic
of the 4th International CSR-Conference at the Humboldt-Universität zu
Berlin to be held from September 22-24, 2010


The conference is organized by the Institute for Management under the directorship of Professor Joachim Schwalbach, and will    examine the question how a general framework has to be designed for allowing companies, politics, and civil society to master the challenges of globalization successfully in light of the in the aftermath of the global finance- and economic crisis. Important aspects of the debate on corporate responsibility include the relationship between stakeholders as it is controversially discussed in the voluntary standard ISO 26000 – seen not only from a Western perspective, but especially from the perspective of the developing and emerging markets.


Further Information

Prof. Dr. Joachim Schwalbach
Institut für Management
Rosenstr. 19
10178 Berlin
Tel.: 030 2093-99402
Fax: 030 2093-99405
