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Apply now for Humboldt summer school

Application until 1st June 2014

The International Office of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin organizes one of Germany's largest summer school programs: The HUWISU summer program covers three sessions in a timeframe from June 16th until August 24th, 2014.

Interdisciplinarity is a key factor of the HUWISU concept – covering a wide range of topics from social sciences, politics, history and law to music and culture.

The subject and languages courses of the HUWISU Summer Session 2014 are all related to Germany and the city of Berlin and provide interesting lectures, seminars, excursions and discussions.

Students may combine these courses in different tracks. Especially popular is the combination of a subject course with the language course as it gives students the opportunity to either dip into the German language or to improve their language skills.

An accompanying cultural program led by experienced student tutors completes the HUWISU experience.

The HUWISU program primarily targets Bachelor and Master students from all over the world interested in an international learning experience. Upon successful course completion, a grade as well as ECTS credit points will be awarded. Credit transferability is possible in consultation with the respective home university.

Students who register for a HUWISU summer course before February 15th benefit from the early bird discount and save 50€.

Further information


Pierre Steuer
Carmen Opolski

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
International Office - HUWISU

Tel.: +49 30 2093-46730