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Statement from Berlin's Universities on the Events in Turkey

Berlin's universities troubled over events in Turkey

Berlin's universities are watching the developments in Turkish universities with growing concern. In the past few days, the deans have been asked to resign and employees suspended from work. In addition, Turkey's Higher Education Council has forbidden scientists to leave the country. Turkish researchers already working abroad have been ordered to return home.

Science and art thrive on internationality, interaction and exchange. Freedom of research and teaching are an indispensable requirement for successful international cooperation. Layoffs and travel restrictions for scientists run counter to this principle of academic freedom.

The National Conference of Rectors and Presidents of Berlin's universities has therefore emphatically joined the protest of the Conference of University Rectors and the European University Association.

The universities and colleges of the National Conference of Rectors and Presidents in Berlin

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Head of Press and Public Relations

Phone: 030 2093-2946