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Matter of South – Biomaterial Cultures from Latin America

The exhibition on the use of biomaterials in South America is on display at the Museum of Decorative Arts until 25 August 2024.

The exhibition Matter of South (MoS) — Biomaterial Cultures from Latin America at Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin explores how biomaterial initiatives harness culture and biodiversity to create new possibilities for the future through research on biofabricated materials. This endeavour aims to rewrite the human relationship with the immediate environment while questioning and providing alternatives to the established extractivist model.

At the center of this exhibition is the Biomaterial Archive, an installation introducing initiatives from Latin America through actual biomaterial samples and documentary records of different types of processes and manufacturing contexts found within the region. All elements are linked through a dynamic map that illustrates the diverse landscape of biomaterial initiatives at various locations. Here, materials such as mycelium, bioplastics, eggshells and shell limestone can be recognized and (re)discovered anew.

Moreover, the curators together with experts in various disciplines create a Biomaterial Manifesto. bringing together a series of discussions and perspectives on different topics related to this emerging paradigm.

About the exhibition

Matter of South offers a platform for dialogue, creativity, and collaboration, inviting participants to explore the transformative potential of biomaterial cultures in Latin America. By highlighting local initiatives and fostering community engagement, the initiative aims to catalyze positive change and inspire more symbiotic practices between human and non-human entities within our environments.

Matter of South (MoS) – Biomaterial Cultures from Latin America is curated by Heidi Jalkh (Argentina), Gisela Pozzetti (Argentina) and Valentina Aliaga (Chile).

The exhibition is a project and part of the More than Human platform at the Kunstgewerbemuseum, curated by Claudia Banz.


Matter of South (MoS) – Biomaterial Cultures from Latin America
Until August 25th 2024 

Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin Mattäikirchplatz,
10785 Berlin

About the curators

Heidi Jalkh and Claudia Banz are members of the Cluster Matters of Activity at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, where researchers from more than 40 disciplines are investigating the activity of matter. Their central vision is to rediscover the analog in the age of the digital within the activity of images, spaces and materials driven by the integrative nature of the Humanities, the Natural Sciences and the different Design disciplines.

Heidi Jalkh is an Experimental Designer trained in Industrial Design and holds a master in interdisciplinary research from OpenDesign, a joint program from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). In 2022, she was awarded with the Humboldt Award 2022 in the category »Research to Innovation for her master thesis.

Further Information

About the exhibition