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A consortium to establish a national service point for Diamond Open Access (SeDOA), led by the university libraries of TU Darmstadt and HU, as well as the Max Weber Foundation, begins its work. more...
In a study with preschool children in Kenya, an international team of psychologists shows how reading a story to children still influences their preference for fruit and vegetables after one to two weeks more...
The Competence Network Interdisciplinary Ukrainian Studies Frankfurt (Oder) – Berlin (KIU) launches a graduate programme on the subject "Resilience, Restoration and Transformation. Ukraine in a world of turmoil." Early career researchers are invited to apply until 9 February 2025. more...
Quantum chemical calculations by HU enable the development of new porous materials distinct by a high adsorption capacity for CO2 more...
Analysis of more than 50 studies reveals unexpected gender differences more...
International research team describes for the first time the structure and function of the Zorya system, a highly specialised antiviral protection mechanism of bacteria more...
Biochemist receives the most important German science prize more...
St Nicholas is not Father Christmas. That much in advance. Although they both wear red robes and are therefore easy to confuse, they are two different stories and two different traditions. St Nicholas comes from the fourth century, Father Christmas from the 19th century. St Nicholas has a religious history, Father Christmas a secular one. more...
Quantum physical phenomenon of entanglement drives new quantum technologies - new spin-photon interface enables entanglement of many photons more...

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