"Collective, open-minded, historically aware and forward-looking - this is how I want you to experience your university and its leadership"

Prof. Dr. Julia von Blumenthal, Photo: Philipp Plum
Dear students,
Some of you will be starting your studies at Humboldt-Universität as freshmen in a few days, others are just returning to our university. After four exciting years at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), I have also returned to Berlin and would like to welcome you today as the new President of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
The tasks we face are enormous - for society, the city and also for the university. The acute consequences of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the pandemic that continues to accompany us, climate change as well as social cohesion and democracy affect us all very directly. As students, you in particular are suffering from rising rents, energy prices and inflation. Restrictions due to the pandemic have hit your lives particularly hard in recent years. As a university, we often cannot provide direct relief here. But we can be a place of common exchange, offer support and space for your initiatives. And it is my concern to take up your needs and expectations and communicate them into the political arena wherever possible.
Universities are places for teaching, research and exchange with society. Above all, they are also there for you, the students. With you, new ideas and perspectives come to Humboldt-Universität and you move us all forward. As President, I look forward to the exchange with you and the student representatives.
In recent months, I have sensed a great willingness to move Humboldt-Universität forward together. I would like to thank the Humboldtians for their trust and look forward to working with my colleagues in the Presidential Board, in administration, research and teaching, and with you, the students. Collective, open-minded, historically aware and forward-looking - that is how I would like you to experience your university and its leadership.
With best regards
Julia von Blumenthal