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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Press Portal | "Brexit presents us with a challenge."

"Brexit presents us with a challenge."

Gesa Stedman has been Professor of British Culture and Literature at the Centre for British Studies at Humboldt-Universität since 2008. Together with Professor Stefano Evangelista from Trinity College, Oxford University, she is currently leading the collaborative project "I am a Camera. Berlin Through the Eyes of English Writers."

In the summer of 2021 - that seems certain today - the brexite will be completed, the exit of Great Britain from the European Union. "Personally, the brexite won't have any major consequences for me," says Gesa Stedman, "because I have a British and a German passport." For the M.A. British Studies course at the Centre for British Centre of Humboldt-Universität, however, the brexite could pose major problems if Britain leaves not only the EU but also the Erasmus+ programme area.


Prof. Dr. Gesa Stedman from the Centre for British Studies of HU


The exhibition "I am a Camera. Berlin Through the Eyes of English Writers" will open in June 2021 in cooperation with the Literaturhaus Berlin, the Gay Museum, the Bodleian Library Oxford and several foundations. A comprehensive accompanying programme of events is planned, including an exhibition in the foyer of Humboldt-Universität.

"This is about the origins of the Berlin myth as a creative hotspot," says Gesa Stedman, describing the project, which focuses primarily on the period after the First World War. "It is about questioning this myth and at the same time supplementing it with unknown and new perspectives. And not to forget the question of what Berlin means to contemporary English-speaking authors.


Prof. Dr. Gesa Stedman from the Centre for British Studies of HU

Interview: Frank Aischmann