
Contact / inquiries

Answers to your questions and further information will gladly be given by:

Martin Mahn
Chief executive officer Humboldt-Innovation GmbH
Phone: +49 30 2093-70752
Fax: +49 30 2093-70779
E-Mail: mm@humboldt-innovation.de

Address data base
for the direct way to your partners in faculties, institutes and administration.

Expert service
From A (for "Abluftbehandlung") to Z (for "Zweitspracherwerb"): By means of keyword or full text search in the University's expert data base you will easily find the persons you would like to contact.

You want to advertise on the websites of Humboldt-Universität? Please, contact:
VariFast GmbH
Phone.: + 49 (0)911/ 366 498 - 0

How to find Humboldt-Universität (HU) - Map