Frequently Asked Questions
- Who can apply for a Humboldt-Scholarship?
- Can I apply although my application at HU is still pending?
- My course/subject is not on the list of available scholarships. Can I apply nonetheless?
- Can PhD students apply for a Humboldt-Scholarship?
- I am just finishing High School/my vocational training and will enroll at HU in the summer semester. Can I apply?
- The current course I am studying is my second degree. Can I apply?
- I am studying at another university in Berlin/Brandenburg. Can I apply for a Humboldt Scholarship at HU?
- Can I apply as a foreign applicant?
- I will study abroad next semester as part of my studies. Can I apply?
- I have one semester left in my standard period of study. Can I apply?
- I will finish my bachelor's degree at HU next semester and will start a master's degree at HU the following semester. Can I apply?
- I am in my first semester of my studies and don't have any grades yet. Can I apply nonetheless?
- I am a scholarship holder of another Scholarship Foundation for fited students. Can I apply?
- Can I only apply with my first subject (i.e. major/mono/core) or is it possible to apply with my second subject (i.e. minor/ subsdiary) as well?
- I am a student at Charité. May I apply for a Humboldt-Scholarship of HU?
- Could one reapply at a later point in time after a refusal?
- I receive BAföG/accomodation allowance. Will the scholarship have impact on this?
- Does the Humboldt-Scholarship have impact on child allowance?
- Does the Humboldt-Scholarship have impact on my maintenance allowance against my parents?
- Is it possible to receive different scholarships at the same time?
- Can I hold a DAAD-scholarship as well as a Humboldt-Scholarship at the same time?
- I was abroad as part of a ERASMUS- or DAAD-Programme. Does this count as double funding?
3. Questions regarding the application
- May I write my application in English?
- Whilst filling in the application form I forgot a few details./ I would like to change details in my application. Can I do this?
- What should I enter in the box "Targeted degree"?
- What is the difference between first degree and second degree?
- Where can I see my "current ECTS-points"? Where do I find my GPA?
- Do I have to submit a copy of my high school certificate?
- Can I apply for different GHumboldt Scholarships of HU (i.e. single scholarship, Themenklassen-scholarship etc.)?
- What should I consider when applying for a Humboldt-Themenklasse?
- I am in the first semester of my master's studies and don't have any grades yet. What do I write in the application form?
- I am preliminary admitted to my master's studies and don't have my final bachelor certificate yet. What do I write in the application form?
- I want to apply for a single scholarship as well as a scholarship in a Themenklasse. Do I have to send in the application form twice?
- Where can I find the directive regarding the Humboldt-Scholarship of HU?
- Who decides on who receives scholarships?
- Which social commitment will be considered positively in the application?
- Can I receive the scholarship for more than twelve months?
- What happens to the Humboldt-Scholarship payments when I am on a leave of absence from my studies?
- Can I receive the scholarship during a leave of absence if I am doing an internship from which my studies benfit?
- Will the scholarship payments continue if I study abroad for a certain period of time - for instance within the ERASMUS-programme?
- Can I waive the scholarship for a certain period of time?
- What rules apply regarding changing universities, changing degree programmes, quitting university or finishing my studies?
- Does the Humboldt Scholarship have impact on my taxable income?
- Does the Humboldt scholarship have impact on my statutory health insurance?
- Do I have to pay the scholarship back after a certain period of time?
Who can apply?
Who can apply for a scholarship?
Students who are enrolled in summer semester 2021 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (with the exception of students of the Charité) and are studying within the standard period of study. Exchange students who are enrolled at their home university and who are finishing their stays abroad at HU are excluded.
Can I apply although my application at HU is still pending?
Yes. Everybody who intends to enroll at HU for the upcoming summer semester 2021 can apply.
My course/ subject is not on the list of available scholarships. Can I apply nonetheless?
This year students of ALL COURSES may apply. Additionally there are special scholarship formats that offer Humboldt-Scholarships to students of specific courses. Please refer to the application page for further information on the subjects.
Can PhD students apply for a Humboldt-Scholarship?
Unfortunately no. According to the Stipendienprogramm-Gesetz students may be awarded a Humboldt-Scholarship up until they finish their consecutive master's or Staatsexamen degree.
However there are numerous foundations and programmes that offer scholarships for doctoral students. More information regarding this can be found on the website of Servicezentrum Forschung of the HU.
I am just finishing high school/ vocational training and will enroll at HU in the summer semester. Can I apply?
Yes. Please state your final high school grade in the application form and upload a scan of your high school diploma on the Online Application Platform.
The current course I am studying is my second degree. Can I apply?
Yes. Please state the subject as well as final grade of your first degree in the application form on the Online Application Platform.
I am studying at another university in Berlin/Brandenburg. Can I apply for a Humboldt-Scholarship at HU?
No. Humboldt-Universität can only award scholarships to students who are matriculated at HU or to a prospective student. Please enquire at your university whether they take part in the Germany-Scholarship programme.
Can I apply as a foreign applicant?
Yes. All students -no matter their nationality- who are either enrolled or admitted as prospective students at HU may apply.
I will study abroad next semester as part of my study. Can I apply?
Yes, you may apply.
During the time that you are abroad on a study-related exchange semester you may choose whether to receive the scholarship or pause the payments. If you decide on the latter, the scholarship will be extended for the paused period of time after your return to HU. You are obliged to notify the Humboldt-Scholarship-Team as soon as your semester abroad is confirmed.
If one studies abroad via the ERASMUS Program, the Humboldt-Scholarship payments will also continue, even when one simultaneously receives a student mobility allowance from the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst –DAAD) as a scholarship holder.
(Please note that applicants for a Humboldt-Scholarship in one of the two Themenklassen must study for two semesters at the HU during the standard period of study and, in addition, must be present during both semesters.)
I have one semester left in my standard period of study. Can I apply?
Yes, you can apply if you are in the standard period of study in the summer semester 2021. (then scholarship duration: six months)
Please note that you can only apply for the Humboldt-Scholarship if you are in the standard period of study or if you can give reasons why you exceed the standard period of study. These include, for example, a study-related stay abroad or the education of a child. Detailed information on the maximum funding period can be found out in § 7 of the scholarship program law.
(Please note that applicants for a Humboldt-Scholarship in one of the two Themenklassen must study for two semesters at the HU during the standard period of study and, in addition, must be present for both semesters .)
I will finish my bachelor's degree at HU next semester and will start a master's degree at HU the following semester. Can I apply?
Yes, as long as the master's degree is consecutive to the previous bachelor's course.
Please specify the "probable end of study" as the time at which you acquire your master’s degree. In addition, you have to note that the funding should also refer to your master's programin the box "Comments" at the end of the application form on the Online Application Platform.
I am in my first semester of my studies and don't have any grades yet. Can I apply nonetheless?
Yes, you can apply. Please enter your high school/ BA grade in the application form and upload your high school / BA certificate as proof of achievement on the Online Application Platform.
Please additionally submit an AGNES-Transcript of Records (Leistungsnachweis) even if it is "empty".
Please enter "0" in the form under "Academic performance to date" and make a note in the box "Comments" at the end of the application form on the Online Application Platform. There you can also make a note of your previous achievements or point out your expected achievements.
If you are in the first semester of your studies and still have no exam results, we still need the empty AGNES-Transcript of Records (Leistungsnachweis) (even if there are no grades yet).
I am a scholarship holder of another Scholarship Foundation for fited students. Can I apply?
A double funding by another scholarship foundation for gifted students (even if you only receive book money) is excluded. By the law, only a financial funding is allowed, which does not exceed 29.99 euros / month.
Can I only apply with my first subject (i.e. major/mono/core) or is it possible to apply with my second subject (i.e. minor/ subsidiary) as well?
According to the guideline of the HU for the Humboldt-Scholarship (PDF) (§ 4, Abs. 2) the application can only be made for the first subject and not for the second subject.
I am a student at Charité. May I apply for a Humboldt-Scholarship of HU?
No, students of the Charité have their own scholarship program at the Charité.
Further information about the Deutschlandstipendium for students of the Charité
Contact for students:
Can I reapply again in the following year after a refusal?
Yes. A refusal does not mean that one will be rejected “forever”. One may reapply again as long as you are within your standard period of time.
Other grants
I receive BAföG/accomodation allowance. Will the scholarship have impact on this?
No, the income does not affect the Humboldt-Scholarship (within the Germany Scholarship programme of HU) and the scholarship will have no impact on the BAföG or the accomodation allowance.
Does the Humboldt Scholarship have impact on child allowance?
No, the Humboldt-Scholarship (within the Germany Scholarship programme of HU) does not affect the child allowance.
Does the Humboldt-Scholarship have impact on my maintenance allowance against my parents?
Yes. The Humboldt-Scholarship (within the Germany Scholarship programme of HU) is taken into account on the maintenance allowance. Students (18+) are expected to cover expenses from their own funds before asserting claims against their parents. The Humboldt-Scholarship counts as part of your own income.
Is it possible to receive different scholarships at the same time?
This depends on the amount and type of the scholarship funding. Generally: A double funding by another Scholarship Foundation for gifted students (even if you only receive book money) is excluded. By the law, only a financial funding is allowed, which does not exceed 29.99 euros / month.
Can I hold a DAAD-scholarship as well as a Humboldt-Scholarship at the same time?
Due to the fact that the DAAD carries out various means of support, these are to be reviewed individually. The following counts for guidance: Mobility allowance is not in competition with the Humboldt-Scholarship. Should support for living costs be granted additionally, and the amount exceed 30 Euros per month, then the Humboldt Scholarship cannot be received during this period.
Basically, a “suspension of payment” is only possible for scholarships that are already in effect. In these cases, payment after the DAAD-promotion can be resumed until the end of the authorized period, provided that one continues one’s previously pursued study program at the HU.
ERASMUS DAAD-scholarship: Yes, as long as you are fully enrolled at HU, the Humboldt-Scholarship will continue to be paid during an ERASMUS stay –
Study-related internships (Pflichtpraktikum)it will by the way also be paid during study-related internships abroad.
I was abroad as part of a ERASMUS- or DAAD-Programme. Does this count as double funding ?
No. However please make a note in the box "Comments" at the end of the application form on the Online Application Platform.
Questions regarding the application
May I write my application in English?
Yes, applications may be submitted in English or German.
However, applications in other languages than German or English will not be accepted. Please also make sure to have your certificates translated if they are not written in English or German.
Whilst filling in the application form I forgot a few details./ I would like to change details in my application. Can I do this?
During the application period between 15 December 2020 and 15 January 2021 you may change and adjust your application online at any time. Please note that you will have to finally submit your application by 15 January 2021, 11.59 AM.
Changes after the deadline will not be possible. However if you are missing a document that is provided by a third party dfor instance a proof of voluntary work or a transcript of records by an examination office, please make a note in the box "Comments" at the end of the application form on the Online Application Platform and send an e-mail with the same information to Thank you!
If you have any other questions, problems etc. please send an e-mail to
What should I enter in the box "Targeted degree"?
Please fill in the degree you will acquire next (if you are in the bachelor's degree program, fill in "B.A./B.Sc./...", if you already study in the master's degree, fill in "M.A./M.Sc./...").
What is the difference between first degree and second degree?
First degree is the first completed degree until the first consecutive master. A consecutive master's program does not count as a second degree.
A second degree is a completely new, further study, which is taken after successful completion of another study. Master's degree programmes that follow a bachelor's degree are not included.
If you are studying two master's degrees at the same time, then the last started master course counts as a second study.
Where can I see my "current ECTS-points"? Where do I find my GPA?
You can see the current status of your ECTS credit points in the AGNES-online exam service. You will receive the GPA (grade point average) in your respective examination office.
Do I have to submit my high school certificate?
Yes, please upload a scan of your high school certificate, even if you already have a university degree.
Can I apply for different Humboldt-Scholarships of HU (i.e. single scholarship, Themenklassen-scholarship etc.)?
Yes, you can apply for several Humboldt-Scholarships at the same time. Please indicate in the application form which scholarships you would like to apply for.
What should I consider when applying for a Humboldt-Themenklasse?
Applying for a scholarship in a Themenklasse requires, in addition to the usual application documents, the solved task. Details can be found on the application page of the Humboldt-Scholarship of the HU.
I won't be able to submit all of my documents needed for the application by the deadline? Can I hand the missing documents in later?
During the application period you may change and adjust your application online at any time. Please note that you will have to finally submit your application by 15 january 2021 11.59 AM on the Online Application Platform.
Changes after the deadline will not be possible. However if you are missing a document that is provided by a third party dfor instance a proof of voluntary work or a transcript of records by an examination office, please make a note in the box "Comments" at the end of the application form on the Online Application Platform and send an e-mail with the same information to Thank you!
Do I have to submit a letter of recommendation?
No. A letter of recommendation is not required.
I am in the first semester of my master's studies and don't have any grades yet. What do I write in the application form?
Please enter "0" for "Academic performance to date - mono / core subject (ECTS-/ Credit points)" and "Current grade point average (calculated by the Examination Office)".
Please do not forget to enter your bachelor's grade in "Grade Bachelor". If you do not have a bachelor's degree yet, please upload the current transcript of your bachelor's grades on the Online Application Platform.
I am preliminary admitted to my master's studies and don't have my final bachelor certificate yet. What do I write in the application form?
Please enter your "provisional" Bachelor's grade in the "Grade Bachelor" field with which you have applied for the preliminary master's studies. Please explain in the field "Comments" at the end of the application form on the Online Application Platform that it is the "provisional" grade and that you will submit the final grade as soon as possible.
I want to apply for a single scholarship as well as a scholarship in a Themenklasse. Do I have to send in the application form twice?
No. Please fill in the form only once and check which scholarships you would like to apply for (multiple choice is possible).
If you are applying for a single scholarship, a Themenklasse-scholarship, a HUG Humboldt Scholarship for Climate Impact Research, you must submit the online form and uplaod the required documents by 15 January 2021, 11.59 PM.
Other questions
Where can I find the directive regarding the Humboldt-Scholarship of HU?
Here you can find the directive (guideline of the HU for the Deutschlandstipendium (PDF)) regarding the Humboldt Scholarship.
Who decides on who will receive scholarships?
The selection committees of HU decide on who will receive scholarships. Members of the committees are professors, students and a member of the presidium.
Which social commitment will be considered positively in the application?
Social and/or political commitment (e.g. in higher education policy, in religious communities or political organisations and the effort in the social environment) are taken into account.
The paid work as a tutor qualifies as an occupation and provides no advantages with respect to other applicants. Generally, paid work does not count as social commitment. Also interships are usually not considered as social commitment.
On the other hand, one can continue to pursue paid tutoring activities/work alongside the Humboldt-Scholarship.
Can I receive the scholarship for more than twelve months?
Yes, you can apply for an extension if possible or you can apply for the scholarship again after one year.
What happens to the Humboldt-Scholarship payments when I am on a leave of absence from my studies?
During a leave of absence (Urlaubssemester) from studies, e.g. because of maternity protection, parental leave or illness, the scholarship will not be paid. With the continuation of the study, the period of approval is extended by the duration of the leave of absence.
Can I receive the scholarship during a leave of absence if I am doing an internship from which my studies benefit?
Here, a distinction must be made between obligatory internships (Pflichtpraktikum) for your studies and abroad or other internships. Obligatory internships are integrated into the studies and hence do not affect the scholarship.
If you want to take a leave of absence for other internships that are not obligatory (freiwilliges Praktikum) in your studies, the scholarship will not be paid during this period.
Will the scholarship payments continue if I study abroad for a certain period of time - for instance within the ERASMUS-programme?
The scholarship will also be paid during a study related exchange year. Provided that you are abroad for the duration of the grant. No matter whether you are on leave of absence (Urlaubssemester) at the HU during this time or not.
If you study abroad with the ERASMUS program, the Humboldt Scholarship will continue to be paid even if you receive a mobility grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at the same time.
Can I waive the scholarship for a certain period of time?
Yes, for example when receiving another scholarship that can not be obtained at the same time as the Humboldt-Scholarship.
What rules apply regarding changing universities, changing degree programmes, quitting university or finishing my studies?
When changing to another university for the same studies programme, you will be granted a transitional semester (within the approved eligibility period). Hence the scholarship will be paid for one semester. This gives the student the opportunity to apply for a Humboldt scholarship at the new university. Otherwise, the scholarship ends at the end of the month in which the scholarship holder has left his studies, has changed his subject or is exmatriculated.
Does the Humboldt-Scholarship have impact on my taxable income?
The Humboldt-Scholarship (within the Germany Scholarship programme of HU) is tax-free and will according to §5 section. 3 StipG i.d.R. not be calculated as income with social benefits.
Consequently, the Humboldt-Scholarship does not represent any kind of paid compensation for a particular occupation and is – as are all other comparable scholarships as well – not to be considered as pay.
Does the Humboldt-Scholarship have impact on my statutory health insurance?
No, the Humboldt-Scholarship (within the Germany Scholarship programme of HU) has no impact on the statutory health insurance, as long as the scholarship holder is covered by compulsory insurance in the statutory health insurance (usually until the end of the 14th semester or the 30th year of life).
The situation is different if the scholarship holder is (subsequently) insured as a voluntary member. For voluntary members, the legislator has prescribed the levying of minimum contributions. Thus, the contributions are calculated on the basis of a tax base of currently 875 euros. If the contributory income of the insured (including scholarships) exceeds this value, the corresponding income is subject to a contribution.
Do I have to pay the scholarship back after a certain period of time?
No. Humboldt-Scholarship holders do not have to pay back their scholarship.
Are any obligations associated to the awarding of the scholarship?
No, there are no direct obligations associated to the awarding of the scholarship. At the ceremonial awarding of certificates, there will be an exclusive gathering with the respective sponsors. An appearance at this event is especially welcomed in order to encourage the exchange between donors, students and university and to guarantee the expansion of the scholarship program.