Humboldt Tenure Track
The tenure-track professorship offers you…
… independence in research and teaching
A tenure-track professorship allows you to conduct research and teaching independently already in the early stages of your academic career. For this you will receive adequate facilities.
… a reliable career prospect
The tenure-track professorship is initially limited to five or six years. Nonetheless, it contains the binding prospect of being assigned to permanent professorship in the case of a positive evaluation. The salary level of the follow-up position has already been determined at the time of the job posting.
… clear requirements and a transparent performance appraisal
Already at the time of the appointment clear achievements are defined which need to be reached in order to transition to a lifelong professorship. The tenure evaluation is carried out upon these criteria only, and includes external review.
… attractive opportunities for development
Throughout the entire tenure-track phase, tenure-track professors are provided in their academic development with additional support through mentoring and with targeted counselling services and further training provision for their career planning.
… family-friendly work conditions
Tenure-track professorships are extended through the birth or adoption of one or more children. The care leave periods are taken into consideration in the tenure evaluation.
Career path Humboldt tenure-track
Research at the HU Berlin
Fotos: Matthias Heyde, Felix Schumann, Klaus Scholle