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Institute for Catholic Theology

On 18 September 2018, the University Senate of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU) voted to establish an Institute for Catholic Theology. The Founding Director appointed by the President's Executive Council of Humboldt-Universität is Johannes Helmrath, Professor of Mediaeval History at Humboldt-Universität. The future headquarters of the institute will be in the former forensic medicine building at Hannoversche Straße 6.

In the higher education contract for the years 2018 to 2022 signed between the state of Berlin and Humboldt-Universität, there was an agreement that the seminar in Catholic theology, which is currently taught at the Freie Universität, would be moved to Humboldt-Universität and the two professor positions would be supplemented by a further three professor positions.

In addition to the existing Guardini Foundation Professorship in Religious Philosophy and Catholic Ideology, the institute will therefore have a total of six professor positions. These are professor positions in Systematic Theology (W3), Historical Theology (W3) and for Biblical Theology, Practical Theology and Theological Ethics (each W1).

A founding appointment committee for the professor positions in the central institute has been set up by the Faculty Council of the Philosophy Faculty. The committee is made up of six professors, plus representatives of the research assistants, the Female Employees in Technical Support, Service and Administration, students at HU and six external Catholic theologians. The positions were advertised on 27 December 2018 with an application deadline of 17 January 2019. The committee met for the first time in February 2019.