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Dates for the trial lectures

25 April 2019: Historical Theology
26 April 2019: Biblical Theology
13 May 2019: Systematic Theology
14 May 2019: Theological Ethics and Practical Theology


Catholic theology with anthropological perspectives

The future headquarters of the Institute of Catholic Theology will be in the former forensic medicine building at Hannoversche Straße 6. Johannes Helmrath is responsible for the destiny of the Institute. The Professor of Mediaeval History was appointed Founding Director last autumn. His current main tasks related to the Institute are to advertise the professor positions, to draft the study regulations and to put together the appointment committee. “The first committee meetings will be in February,” says Dr Helmrath. There are five professor positions to be filled: two W3 professor positions and three junior professor positions, one without tenure track. The Guardini professor position, which is currently found in the Theology Faculty, will also be moved to the Institute.

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For the 50th anniversary of Guardini’s death

Romano Guardini
Romano Guardini
Photo: Guardini Stiftung


The eponymous professor position will become part of the Institute of Catholic Theology which is to be founded. 1 October 2018 will be the 50th anniversary of the death of theologian and religious philosopher Romano Guardini, who taught at the Friedrich Wilhelm University, now Humboldt University, from 1923 to 1939. The Verona-born priest was one of the most important Catholic intellectuals of the 20th century. He was a pioneering source of inspiration in the liturgical movement, was one of the leading personalities in the Catholic youth movement and distinguished himself as a particularly popular academic teacher.

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