Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin



Mono-bachelor, Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) - Please also see the Mathematics combined bachelor’s course and the ‘Bachelor’s and master’s courses at HU’ FAQ as required.

Standard time for completing course

6 semesters

Start of study

Cf. course catalogue

Course structure

In total 180 credit points (CP*) are required

Mandatory modules: 110 CP, incl. Bachelor’s thesis, 10 CP
Mandatory elective modules: 35 CP
General elective modules: 35 CP

*One credit point (CP) equals a workload of 25 - 30 hours for preparation, follow-up and attendance at classes.

Course objectives

Mathematics has been studied around the world since ancient times. It deals with objects, principles and issues originating from specific observed circumstances, the natural sciences, technology and the economy as well as many other fields, and over long periods of time, has developed them into stand-alone theories and structures through a process of abstraction. The results derived from the mathematical theories may in turn have many scientific and practical applications. Mathematical approaches and ways of working can be found today in many areas of knowledge, e.g. in the natural sciences and technology, as well as in the banking and insurance sectors. Mathematics graduates are ideally qualified for jobs that require the ability to solve problems, i.e. for a broad spectrum of professions in research, business and administration.

The aim of the bachelor’s course (Bachelor of Science) is to provide students with the basic knowledge to apply mathematical approaches and working methods to a range of areas within and outside research. In particular, they are put in a position where they can grasp and model a range of issues, cooperate with other mathematicians and specialists from other disciplines and practitioners and above all, to  familiarise themselves with other mathematical fields. The competences acquired are summarised below:

  • Good grounding in mathematical knowledge
  • Fundamental competence in scientific approaches
  • Methodological competence and flexibility
  • Abstraction capability, detection of analogies and basic patterns
  • Conceptual, analytical and logical thinking
  • Understanding of the meaning of mathematical modelling
  • Basic knowledge of simulation and mathematical software
  • Solution of a sophisticated question as bachelor’s thesis.

Why study Mathematics at HU?

The Department of Mathematics has a diverse professorial staff, who teach and research in many projects along with other Berlin universities: at the DFG MATHEON research centre, in the special research field ‘space, time, matter’, in the Berlin Mathematical School, and more.

This benefits students by yielding a wide range of classes during the bachelor’s programme itself and provides the opportunity to specialise in many areas of Mathematics. You can study overseas at over 30 European partner institutions as part of the Erasmus programme for part of your credits. Active student representatives support their fellow students, especially at the start of their studies, amongst others, with a mathematics WarmUP-week.

Course content

The best places to find information about course content is the annotated university calendar or the current timetables. They are online at The Course Advisory Service is also available to help you (see Important addresses). You’ll find module descriptions, the course curriculum and other details in the course and examination regulations, available online at, no. 99/2014.

Mono-bachelor's course Mathematics with 180 CP

Mandatory modules (110 CP)





Analysis I

10 CP


Analysis II

10 CP


Analysis III

10 CP


Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry I

10 CP


Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry II

10 CP


Algebra and Functional Theory

10 CP


Numeric Linear Algebra

5 CP


Fundamentals of Numeric Mathematics and Optimisation

10 CP


Stochastics I

10 CP


Introduction to Computational Science

5 CP

11 Project Internship 5 CP
  Bachelor's thesis 10 CP

Mandatory elective modules (35 CP)

35 CP must be acquired from mandatory elective modules. The modules of the master’s programme in Mathematics may also be used for the mandatory elective modules of the bachelor’s course.





Differential Geometry

10 CP


Topology I

10 CP


 Algebra II

10 CP


Number Theory

10 CP


Functional Analysis

10 CP


Partial Differential Equations

10 CP


Non-linear Optimization

10 CP


Variational Calculus and Optimal Processes

10 CP


Numerics of Common Differential Equations

10 CP


Numerics of Partial Differential Equations I

10 CP


Stochastic Financial Mathematics I

10 CP


Stochastics II

10 CP


Statistical Methods (Regression and Variance Analysis)

10 CP


Project Internship

10 CP

General elective modules (35 CP)

In addition to specialised study, Students acquire subject-specific, non-specialist and interdisciplinary key qualifications of 20 CP. The general elective modules can be chosen from the module catalogues of other subjects or central institutions (see: It would be advisable to pick modules form subjects taught at the faculty of mathematics and natural sciences as well as form the faculty of economics.

The remaining 15 CP may be selected from

  • Professional internships: A full-time internship relating to mathematics-related fields lasting at least four weeks spent at a company or research institution will be credited with 5 CP on presentation of an internship report.  The total number of 10 CP will be credited for internships lasting in total at least 8 weeks.
  • Modules chosen from the module catalogues of other subjects or central institutions at free choice.

General course offerings for students coming from other courses of studies





Analysis I

10 CP


Analysis II

10 CP


Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry I

10 CP


Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry II

10 CP

Master’s degree

You can apply for the ‘Mathematics’ master’s course at Humboldt-Universität. You’ll find other programmes in the current ‘Post-graduate degree courses’ course catalogue, available at

Important addresses

Department of Mathematics: Rudower Chaussee 25, Johann von Neumann - Haus, 12489 Berlin,
Course Advisory Service, Prof. Mohnke, +49 30 2093- 1814,
Classification and recognition of studies and qualifications (Examinations Office),, Prof. Schüth, +49 30 2093- 5864,
Applications, see also ‘Course catalogue’
Links to job market: careers information centre ( , employment market reports (, Federal Employment Office Berufenet (, Hochschulteam calendar of events (

Version: June 2015
Back to Course catalogue

Contact for questions or feedback regarding this page:

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When contacting facilities of the study department, personal data are partly collected and processed. The processing of personal data, such as the name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number shall always be in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU-DSGVO) and in accordance with the Berlin Data Protection Act (BlnDSG). Further information on this, your rights and options can be found at