Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Campus Adlershof: figures


8,433 students (total students*)

of whom

1,294 study Chemistry - 45% female

1,331 study Physics - 45% female

958 study Geography - 48% female

1,351 study Computer Science - 18% female

2,364 study Mathematics - 35% female

1,135 study Psychology - 78% female


* Total students for bachelor’s, master’s, teacher training and Magister programmes include all sub-programmes in the total. The number of total students for each department is therefore considerably higher than the number of students (head count) in the primary subject.

Data set: Winter semester 2012/2013, Version: 30/11/2012



1,056 total employees - 34% female

of whom
129 are professors (incl. junior and visiting professors) - 19% female

646 are non-professorial academic staff - 27% female

499 are other employees - 63% female

plus 585 student assistants -  44 female

Information as of 30/06/2012