Press Portal

Addresses at Humboldt-Universität

A selection

Since the ‘Fischer address’ in 2000 at the latest, Humboldt-Universität has become a key location for addresses on science, society and politics. Prominent individuals regularly give addresses - particularly on the subject of the future of the European Union - as part of the Walter-Hallstein-Institute for European Constitutional Law events.

You can find an overview of the full text of addresses with sound and video clips at the Walter-Hallstein-Institute.



Ban Ki-moon,
Secretary-General of the United Nations

February 4th

"Check against delivery - embargoed until delivery"

Video Excerpt


Angela Merkel,
Chancellor of Germany

May 27th

Grundsatzrede zur europäischen Integration (Speech in German)


Hans-Gert Pöttering,
President of the EU parliament

May 14th

"Vor dem Juni-Gipfel 2007: Was wird aus der Verfassung für Europa?"


Valery Giscard d’Estaing

November 9th

Peut-on créer un patriotisme européen? (pdf)

William R. Timken

July 10th

Immigration in the 21st Century

Geoff Hoon

May 17th

The Partnership Between Britain and Germany in Europe (pdf)

Hubert Védrine

May 11th

L'Europe face au conflit des civilisations (pdf)

Dominique de Villepin

January 18th

L'Allemagne, la France et l'Avenir de l'Union Europenne (pdf)


Jean-Claude Juncker

November 21st

Die Denkpause nutzen: Strategien zur Verfassung für Europa (pdf)

Bertie Ahern

June 2nd

Europe - our Common Future (pdf)


Daniel R. Coats

January 14th

German-American Academic Traditions

Adrian Nastase

January 9th

Romania in a renewed European Union (pdf)


Guy Verhofstadt

November 25th

The new European constitution, from Laeken to Rome. | (PDF file) (pdf)

Vincente Fox

January 30th

América Latina y su Relación con la Europa Unida


Mikulás Dzurinda

February 19th

The Debate on the European Constitution - A Slovak View (pdf)


Göran Persson

October 18th

European Challenges: A Swedish Perspective (pdf)

António Guterres

May 7th

The European Treaties revisited: What role for Europe in the globalised world? (pdf)


Joschka Fischer

May 12th

Vom Staatenverbund zur Föderation - Gedanken über die Finalität der europäischen Integration (pdf)