Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Research Training Groups of the German Research Foundation (DFG)

With the Research Training Groups (Graduierten-Kollegs, GRKs), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin hosts institutions for the promotion of researchers in early career phases, which are funded by the DFG for a maximum of nine years. The focus is on the qualification of doctoral candidates within the framework of a thematically focused research programme and a structured qualification concept. An interdisciplinary orientation of the Research Training Groups is desired. The aim is to prepare doctoral students intensively for the complex labour market of "science" and at the same time to support their early scientific independence.


DFG english

Humboldt-Universität as coordinating university for DFG-Research Training Groups


1 RTG 2190: The Literary and Epistemic History of Small Forms
    Abstract / Homepage
2 RTG 2458: The Dynamics of Demography, Democratic Processes and Public Policy (DYNAMICS)
    Abstract / Homepage
3 RTG 2483: Dynamic Integration - Law in-between Harmonisation and Plurality in Europe (DynamInt)
    Abstract / Homepage
4 RTG 2575: Rethinking Quantum Field Theory
    Abstract / Homepage
5 IRTG 2706: Transformative Religion: Religion as Situated Knowledge in Social Transformation Processes
    Abstract / Homepage


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Humboldt-Universität as a participating university in DFG-Research Training Groups


1 RTG 2130: Minor Cosmopolitanisms
    Abstract/ Homepage
2 RTG 2248: Global Intellectual History - Transfers, Circulation of Ideas, Historical Actors (18th - 20th Century)
    Abstract / Homepage
3 RTG 2424: Computational Methods for Oncology: Towards Personalized Therapies in Cancer
    Abstract / Homepage
4 IRTG 2445: Temporalities of Future in Latin America: Dynamics of Aspiration and Anticipation
    Abstract / Homepage
5 RTG 2473: Bioactive Peptides - Innovative Aspects of Synthesis and Biosynthesis
    Abstract / Homepage
6 IRTG 2544: Stochastic Analysis in Interaction
    Abstract / Homepage
7 RTG 2638: Normativity, Critique, Change
    Abstract / Homepage

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Other Research Training Groups



1 HEIBRiDS: Helmholtz Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data Science
    Abstract / Homepage




Completed projects of research training groups

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