Division Research Funding Administration and Controlling
The Division Research Funding Administration and Controlling is responsible for the administration of third-party funds acquired by researchers of the HU. The division ensures the adequate use of third-party funds for the single projects in close cooperation with the principal investigators. It also provides a third-party project controlling in order to support the principal investigators in the use of third-party funds in an effective way.
The division represents the HU as recipient of third-party funds in relation to third-party funding agencies as well as cooperation partners.
Due to the diversity of third-party funding sources and their different funding guidelines, three groups have been established within the division. These three groups are: (a) DFG, (b) Federal Government and Foundations, and (c) EU and International Research Funding Programs.
Head of Division
Ulrike Lorenz
E-Mail: ulrike.lorenz.1@uv.hu-berlin.de
Phone: (030) 2093-12936
Assistance of Division
Natalie Keil
E-Mail: natalie.keil@uv.hu-berlin.de
Phone: (030) 2093-12903
Overview Responsibilities - Project Administration & -Controlling
- Group DFG
- Group BMBF & Foundations
- Group EU & International Research Funding Programs
- Contract Research, Scientific Services and Support Service
Financial Administration DFG
Group Leader: Frank Reineker , SZF-A-10
Silvana Bauer , SZF-A-11
- currently not on duty -
Larissa Werum, SZF-A-11
- Department of Biology
- Prof. Hegemann, Prof. Ehrenhofer-Murray, Prof. Hengge, Prof. Mikhaylova, Prof. Brecht, Prof. Schmitz-Linneweber, Prof. Dobbek, Prof. Schreiber, Prof. Matuschewski, Prof. Kaufmann, Prof. Ohler, Prof. Klotzsch, Prof. Bartl, Prof. Kempter
- Interdisciplinary Centres / Center of Infection Biology
- Central Unit - Computer- and Mediaservice
- Research Training Group 2433
- International Research Training Group 2046 & 2290
- Collaborative Research Center 1078 & 1412
- Collaborative Research Centres Transregio 175
- Bernstein Center (BCCN)
Antje Lütjering , SZF-A-13
- Department of Philosophy
- Department of History
- Department of Archaeology
- Department of Musicology and Media Studies (except Prof. Klotz)
- Cluster Science of Intelligence
- Central Unit - University Library
- Cluster of Excellence 2020
- Research Training Group 2638
- International Research Training Group 2544
- Research Group 2898
Sascha Zibell , SZF-A-14
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Physics
- Department of Education Studies
- Department of Social Sciences
- Department of Sports Sciences
- Centre for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies
- Centre for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg
- Cluster SCRIPTS
- Interdisciplinary Research Centres: Georg-Simmel-Center
- Collaborative Research Centre 1375
- Research Training Group 2458
- Research Group 2841 & 5187 & 5495
Marleen Ihme , SZF-A-15
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Romance Studies
- Cluster UniSysCat
- Research Training Groups 2190, 2473, 2965
- Collaborative Research Centres 1294, 1349, 1449
- Collaborative Research Centres Transregio 109, 154
- Research Group 5363
- KFOR 2909
Julia Jan , SZF-A-16
- Faculty of Law
- Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences
- Department of European Ethnology
- Department of Library and Information Science (IBI)
- Department of German Literature
- Department of Cultural History and Theory
- Centre for British Studies
- Central Unit - Professional Institute of Education
- Central Unit - Hermann von Helmholtz - Zentrum für Kulturtechnik (HZK)
- Cluster Matters of Activity
- More interdisciplinary facilities
- University Sports
- Collaborative Research Centres 1512
- Collaborative Research Centres Transregio 190
- Research Training Group 2130 & 2483
- Research Group 2265 & 2569 & 2936, 3031
- KFG 54 & KFOR 2235
Frank Reineker , SZF-A-10
- North Europe-Department
- Department for Slavic Studies
- Department of Musicology and Media Studies (only Prof. Klotz)
- Robert K. Merton Center for Science Studies (RMZ)
- DFG co-funded large-scale equipment
- Collaborative Research Centres: 980 & 1315
- Research Training Group: 1939 & 2424 & 2434
- International Research Training Group 2403
- NFDI: NFDI 31-1, NFDI 41-1, NFDI 44-1, NFDI 61-1
- Cluster of Excellence 2020
Nikola Schrenk , SZF-A-17
- Department of Biology
- Prof. Erhardt, Prof. Plested, Prof. Rueß, Prof. Grimm, Prof. Larkum, Prof. Wicke, Prof. Nyakatura, Prof. Ringrose, Prof. Krahe
- Department of English and American Studies
- Department of Classical Philology
- Cluster: MATH+
- Cluster of Excellence 2046
- International Research Training Group 2706
- Research Training Groups 2386 & 2575
- Collaborative Research Centre 1404
- Collaborative Research Centres Transregio 384 & 1644
- Research Groups 2518 & 2537
Julia Wilhelm , SZF-A-18
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Geography
- Department of German Studies and Linguistics
- Department of Asian and African Studies
- Department of Art and Visual History
- Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
- Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research
- Faculty of Theology
- Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
- Integrative Research Institute for the Sciences Adlershof (IRIS)
- Central Unit of Catholic Theology
- Cluster NeuroCure
- Research Training Groups 2046 & 2248
- Collaborative Research Centres 1265 & 1636
- Collaborative Research Centre Transregio 266 & 388
- Research Groups 2537 & 2569
- Central Unit - Center for the Science of Materials Berlin (CSMB)
Financial Administration BMBF & Foundations
Group Leader: Ulrike Lorenz , SZF-A-20
Ulrike Lorenz , SZF-A-20
- Department of Physics
- IRIS Adlershof
- Cluster TOPOI
- Cluster UniCat
- Cluster Math+
- Cluster Image Knowledge Design
- Cluster Matters of Activity
- Cluster Science of Intelligence
- Cluster NeuroCure
- Cluster SCRIPTS
- Humboldt Graduate School (HGS)
- Graduate School SALSA
- Graduate School Mind & Brain
- Graduate School BSRT
- Graduate School BSIO
- Interdisciplinary Centres / Center of Infection Biology
- Other Interdisciplinary Facilities
- Centre for British Studies
- Department of English and American Studies
Olga Keil, SZF-A-21
- Centre for Rural Development (SLE)
- Department of Geography
- Central Institution University Library
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Philosophy
- Department of Romance Literatures and Linguistics
- Central Unit - Computer and Media Service
- HU Sports and Recreation
Jana Gottke , SZF-A-22
Ivonne Baldeh, SZF-A-24
- Faculty of Law
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Library and Information Science
- Department of Northern European Studies
- Department of Classical Philology
- Faculty of Theology
- Robert K. Merton Center for Science Studies (RMZ)
- Institute for Catholic Theology
- Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology
- Berlin Institute for Integration and Migration Research (BIM)
- Deutsches Internet-Institut
- Department of History
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Social Sciences
- Integrative Research Institute for the Life Sciences (IRILS)
- Programme for Female Professors (PP)
- Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF)
Corinna Roudani, SZF-A-26
- currently not on duty -
Louisa Blenke , SZF-A-27
- Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences
- Department of Education Studies
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Cultural History and Theory
- Department of Art and Visual History
- Department of Musicology and Media Studies
- Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
- Department of German Literature
- Department of German Studies and Linguistics
- Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies (ZtG)
- Center for Inclusion Research Berlin
- Center for Jewish Studies (ZJS)
- Faculty of Business and Economics
- Central Unit Professional School of Education (PSE)
- Central Unit - Hermann von Helmholtz
- German Centre for Mathematics Teacher Education (DZLM)
- FONTE-Foundation (Guest professorships)
- Max-Planck-School of Cognition
- Berliner Antike-Kolleg (BAK)
- CLiWaC
Aleksandra Paszkiewicz-Klössing , SZF-A-28
- Department of Archaeology
- Department of Asien and African Studies
- Department of Biology
- Department of European Ethnology
- Department of Slavic and Hungarian Studies
- ProMINT / HU-Bayer-Mobil
Regina Groß, SZF-A-29
- Department of Sports Sciences
- Al Skills
Financial Administration EU & International Research Funding Programs
Group Leader: Kathrin Steinborn (temporarily) , SZF-A-31
Songül Goeze , SZF-A-23
EU-Projects/ E-Mail: eu.projektmanagement.szf@hu-berlin.de
- Department of Chemistry(EU: MSCA-PF-SIREN, Prof. Kneipp)
International and other funders (all funders except EU) / E-Mail: songuel.goeze@uv.hu-berlin.de
- Department of Psychology
Collective accounts / E-Mail: songuel.goeze@uv.hu-berlin.de
- Department of Psychology
AvH FKZ / DAAD BKZ / donation accounts/ literature grants / E-Mail: songuel.goeze@uv.hu-berlin.de
- Department of Psychology
- Centre for Rural Development (SLE)
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Geography
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Philosophy
- Department of History
- Department of European Ethnology
- Department of Library and Information Science
- Department of German Literature
- Department of German Studies and Linguistics
- Department of Northern European Studies
- Institute of Romance Studies
- Department of English and American Studies
- Department of Department of Classics
- Department of Archaeology
- Graduate School BSRT
- Graduate School BSIO
- Interdisciplinary Centers/ Center of Infection Biology and Immunity (ZIBI)
- Robert K. Merton Center for Science Studies
- More interdisciplinary Facilites
- Central Unit for Computer and Media Service
- Central Unit for University Sports
- Institute for Catholic Theology
- Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology
Robert Gerster, SZF-A-12
EU-Projects/ E-Mail: eu.projektmanagement.szf@hu-berlin.de
- Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Studies (EU-Projects: Prof. Feindt, Prof. Mithöfer, Prof. Eisenack, Prof. Schmidt)
- Department of Biology (EU: Prof. Erhardt, Prof. Brecht, Prof. Schreiber, Prof. Hegemann, Prof. Klipp, Prof. Ringrose, Prof. Larkum)
- Department of Physics (Prof. Rauschenbeutel MSCA-IF AVATURN)
- Department of Psychology (EU: Prof. Brass)
- Department of Chemistry (EU: Prof. Plefka)
- Department of Computer Science (EU: Prof. Hafner)
- Department of European Ethnology (EU: Prof. Bojadziev)
- Department of Slavic and Hungarian Studies (EU: Prof. Kliems, Bergmann)
- Department of Asian and African Studies (EU: Prof. Eckert)
- Department of Social Sciences (EU: Prof. Matthes)
Collective accounts/ E-Mail: robert.gerster@uv.hu-berlin.de
- Faculty of Life Sciences
- Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences
- Department of Biology
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Physics
- Department of Philosophy
- Department of History
- Department of European Ethnology
- Department of Library and Information Science
- Central Unit - Professional Institute of Education
- Central Unit - University Library
AvH, DAAD, donation accounts and literature grants / E-Mail: robert.gerster@uv.hu-berlin.de
- Faculty of Life Sciences
- Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences
- Department of Biology
- Department of Physics
- Department of Slavic and Hungarian Studies
Kathrin Steinborn , SZF-A-31
EU-Projects/ E-Mail: eu.projektmanagement.szf@hu-berlin.de
- Centre for Rural Development (SLE) (EU-Projects)
- Department of Geography (EU: Prof. Kümmerle)
International and other funders (except collective accounts, AvH, DAAD, donation accounts, literature grants and EU)/ E-Mail: kathrin.steinborn@uv.hu-berlin.de
- University Administration
- Faculty of Life Sciences
- Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Studies
- Department of Biology
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Geography
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Physics
- HU Innovation Labs
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Department of Philosophy
- Department of History
- Department of European Ethnology
- Department of Library and Information Science
- Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies
- Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg
- Faculty of Theology
- Central Unit - Centre for British Studies
- Central Unit - Professional Institute of Education
- Central Unit - Hermann von Helmholtz - Zentrum für Kulturtechnik
- IRIS Adlershof
- Cluster TOPOI
- Cluster UniCat
- Cluster Math+
- Cluster Image Knowledge Gestaltung
- Cluster Matters of Activity
- Cluster Science of Intelligence
- Cluster NeuroCure
- Cluster SCRIPTS
- Humboldt Graduate School (HGS)
- Graduate School SALSA
- Graduate School Mind & Brain
- Graduate School BSRT
- Graduate School BSIO
- Interdisciplinary Centres / Center of Infection Biology
- Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM)
- Robert-K.-Merton-Center for Science Studies (RMZ)
- More interdisciplinary facilities
- Central Unit - University Library
- Central Unit - Computer and Media Service
- University Sports
- Institute for Catholic Theology
- Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology
Collective accounts / E-Mail: kathrin.steinborn@uv.hu-berlin.de
- Department of Geography
Bettina Stöhr , SZF-A-32
EU-Projects/ E-Mail: eu.projektmanagement.szf@hu-berlin.de
- Headship (EU: Dr. Vilain)
- Faculty of Law (EU-Projects)
International and other funders (except collective accounts, AvH, DAAD, donation accounts, literature grants and EU)/ E-Mail: bettina.stoehr@uv.hu-berlin.de
- Headship
- Faculty of Language Sciences
- Department of German Literature
- Department of German Studies and Linguistics
- Department of Northern European Studies
- Department of Romance Languages
- Department of English and American Studies
- Department of Slavic and Hungarian Studies
- Department of Classical Philology
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Department of Archaeology
- Department of Asian and African Studies
- Department of Education Studies
- Department of Cultural History and Theory
- Department of Art and Visual History
- Department of Musicology and Media Science
- Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
- Department of Social Sciences
- Department of Sports Sciences
- Faculty of Business and Economics
DAAD-Projects / E-Mail: bettina.stoehr@uv.hu-berlin.de
- Department of Psychology (Dr. Christophel)
- Unit Career Center & Scientific Education
- Institute of Romance Studies (Prof. Dünne)
- Department of Asian and African Studies (Prof. Gehrmann, Porf. Bultmann)
- Department of Cultural History and Theory (Prof. Stock)
- Department of Social Sciences (Hr. Wilhelm)
- Department of History (Dr. Hansen)
- Professional School of Education
Collective accounts/ E-Mail: bettina.stoehr@uv.hu-berlin.de
- Headship
- Department of Northern European Studies
- Department of English and American Studies
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Department of Education Studies
- Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
- Department of Social Sciences
- Department of Sports Sciences
- Faculty of Business and Economics
Michael Eckhardt, SZF-A-34
EU-Projects/ E-Mail: eu.projektmanagement.szf@hu-berlin.de
- Department of Chemistry (EU: MSCA-DN_DYNAMO Prof. Kneipp)
International and other funders (all except EU)/ E-Mail: michael.eckhardt@uv.hu-berlin.de
- Faculty of Law
AvH, DAAD, donation accounts and literature grants / E-Mail: michael.eckhardt@uv.hu-berlin.de
- Headship
- University Administration
- Faculty of Law
- Department of Asian and African Studies
- Department of Education Studies
- Department of Cultural History and Theory
- Department of Art and Visual History
- Department of Musicology and Media Science
- Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
- Department of Social Sciences
- Department of Sports Sciences
- Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies
- Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg
- Faculty of Theology
- Faculty of Business and Economics
- Central Unit - Centre for British Studies
- Central Unit - Professional Institute of Education
- Central Unit - Hermann von Helmholtz - Zentrum für Kulturtechnik
- IRIS Adlershof
- Cluster TOPOI
- Cluster UniCat
- Cluster Math+
- Cluster Image Knowledge Gestaltung
- Cluster Matters of Activity
- Cluster Science of Intelligence
- Cluster NeuroCure
- Cluster SCRIPTS
- Humboldt Graduate School (HGS)
- Graduate School SALSA
- Graduate School Mind & Brain
- Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM)
- Central Unit - University Library
Mirita Kabashaj, SZF-A-36
- currently not on duty -
Gwendolin Bechler , SZF-A-41
EU-Projects/ E-Mail: eu.projektmanagement.szf@hu-berlin.de
Contract Research, Scientific Services and Support Service
Jana Bolte
- Administration and Accounting
Rosa Catapano
- Administration and Accounting