Division Research Funding
The Division Research Funding informs and advises the researchers of HU Berlin on the acquisition of third-party funding projects from national, European and international research funding programs and supports them in applying for individual and cooperative research projects. In addition, the division supports the university' s executive board in all matters concerning research strategy and institutional proposals.
Head of Division Research Funding
Dr. Christoph Raiser
E-Mail: christoph.raiser@uv.hu-berlin.de
Phone: (030) 2093-12930
Research Advisor DFG
Responsibilities | Person |
Research Training Groups | Kerstin Klug |
Collaborative Research Centers | Dr. Magdalena Zürner |
Dr. Maria Abad Andrade | |
Research Units | Christina Jacobshagen |
Emmy-Noether-Program | Dr. Valerie Popp |
Heisenberg-Program | Dr. Christoph Raiser |
Temporary Positions for Principal Investigators | Dr. Valerie Popp |
Major Instrumentation | Kerstin Klug |
Further Funding Formats (DFG) | Kerstin Klug |
Dr. Maria Abad Andrade | |
Clusters of Excellence | Dr. Magdalena Zürner |
Dr. Katharina Kreuzpaintner | |
Jan Niggemeier |
Research Advisor Foundations, Federal & State Funding
Responsibilities | Person |
Federal Ministries & state funding | Christina Jacobshagen |
Ravindranath Constantin Somaratne | |
Dr. Maria Abad Andrade | |
Einstein Foundation | Dr. Christoph Raiser |
Dr. Carsten Gerrits | |
Foundations and other Funders | Dr. Christoph Raiser |
Dr. Carsten Gerrits | |
Dr. Valerie Popp |
Research Advisor EU
Responsibilities | Person |
ERC and Collaborative Research (Horizon Europe) | Dr. Caroline Schleier |
MSCA (Horizon Europe) | Ravindranath Constantin Somaratne |
Research Advisor Science Awards
Responsibilities | Person |
Science Awards | Dr. Valerie Popp |
Research Advisor Postdoc Consulting
Responsibilities | Person |
Postdoc Consulting | Dr. Valerie Popp |