Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Travel by car

Route planner to get to Humboldt-Universität

Simply enter your point of departure to receive a detailed location plan on Google Maps. If you do not want to get to the main building, please change the destination.

Our recommendation for Berlin is the route planner of the VIZ, as it takes into account current traffic incidents.


It is not allowed to park directly at "Unter den Linden". However, you can find various chargeable parking facilities in the surrounding area, for example at Dorotheenstrasse as well as in different underground parking lots. On the map of the VIZ, these parking possibilities can be displayed.

Advice: Please take into consideration the "low-emission zones" (so-called "Umweltzonen" in German) that are valid in the inner city area. Also note that a fine can be imposed.


Outline map

Outline map