Contact Humboldt Fields marked with a red dot have to be filled in. Please do not use semicolons or bullet points. This form is only for applicants (with application number) and students of HU (with enrolment number). Please do not send us the same enquiry more than once, as this will not speed up the response and will delay processing. Prospective students without an application number please use this contact form. Prospective applicants contact directly First Name Name For handling your request we need your name (mandatory) E-Mail-Address For handling your request we need your e-mail-address (mandatory) Application or Enrolment Number For handling your request we need your application or enrolment number (mandatory). Please note that we can't handle your enquiry without a valid number. Date of Birth For handling your request we need your date of birth (mandatory) Place and Country of Birth For handling your request we need your place and country of birth (mandatory) Topic Please choose a topic. Depending on the selected topic, your enquiry will be sent directly to the correct contact person (mandatory field). Please choose your topicInformation for applicantsGuest student statusExchange via ErasmusForms, e.g. part time, leave of absence, leavingRe-enrolment, Campus-Card, new PINChange of first name, name, nationalityDoctoral ConsultationApplication at HU (via uni-assist) Your Request Please note that this side is encoded and will be transmitted with encryption. Our answer otherwise won't be encoded. Please don't use semicolons or bullet points (mandatory) Attachment You can send us an attachment (e.g. a proof) for application forms, pdf, png oder jpg only, no doc/x, odt or zip. Max. 5 MB