Mono-bachelor, Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) - Please also see the Physics combined bachelor’s course and the ‘Bachelor’s and master’s courses at HU’ FAQ as required.
Standard time for completing course
6 semesters
Start of study
Cf. course catalogue
Course structure
In total 180 credit points (CP*) are required
Mandatory modules: 128 CP incl. Bachelor’s thesis, 10 CP
Mandatory elective modules: 42 CP
General elective modules: 10 CP
*One credit point (CP) equals a workload of 25 - 30 hours for preparation, follow-up and attendance at classes.
Course objectives
The course teaches students to analyse physical problems and to independently arrive at (sometimes unconventional) solutions. Physics graduates are ideally qualified for jobs that require this ability to solve problems, i.e. for a broad spectrum of professions in research and science. Another primary goal of the course is to qualify students to progress on to a master’s course in Physics.
Why study Physics at HU?
Physics has a great tradition at Humboldt-Universität - Max Planck, Erwin Schrödinger and Einstein all taught here. Experimental and theoretical aspects are taught as a unit. The students are included in research at an early stage here. Campus Adlershof is attractive - here Physics is embedded in a unique environment of other disciplines, young hi-tech companies and non-university research institutes. Because you are particularly interested in elementary particle physics, solid-state physics, macromolecules and complex systems, as well as optics/photonics as a potential specialisation.
Course content
The best places to find information about course content is the annotated university calendar or the current timetables. They are online at The Course Advisory Service is also available to help you (see Important addresses). You’ll find module descriptions, the course curriculum and other details in the course and examination regulations, available online at, no. 57/2014, modifyed by no. 11/2016 and no. 07/2018.
Mono-bachelor's course with 180 CP
Mandatory modules (128 CP)
Module |
Description |
Size |
P 0 |
Elementary Aids in Physics |
6 CP |
P 1.1 |
Classic Mechanics and Thermodynamics (Physics I) |
8 CP |
P 1.2 |
Electromagnetism (Physics II) |
8 CP |
P 1.3 |
Optics (Physics III) |
8 CP |
P 1.4 |
Quantum Physics, Atomic Physics and Molecular Physics (Physics IV) |
8 CP |
P 2.1 |
Classical Mechanics and Special Relativity Theory (Theoretical Physics I) |
8 CP |
P 2.2 |
Electrodynamics (Theoretical Physics II) |
8 CP |
P 2.3 |
Quantum Mechanics (Theoretical Physics III) |
8 CP |
P 2.4 |
Advanced Quantum Mechanics (Theoretical Physics IV) |
8 CP |
P 2.5 |
Thermodynamics (Theoretical Physics V) |
6 CP |
P 4 |
Linear Algebra |
8 CP |
P 5 |
Computer Application of Physics |
6 CP |
P 6.1 |
Mandatory Internship in Physics I |
6 CP |
P 6.2 |
Mandatory Internship in Physics II |
6 CP |
P 7.1 | Introduction to Solid-State Physics | 8 CP |
P 7.2 |
Introduction to Core and Elementary Particle Physics |
8 CP |
Bachelor’s thesis |
10 CP |
Mandatory elective modules (42 CP)
P 3 Elective subject Mathematics (24 CP)
P 3.1 |
Analysis I |
8 CP |
P 3.2 |
Analysis II |
8 CP |
P 3.3 |
Analysis III |
8 CP |
These modules can be substituted with other corresponding courses form the module catalogues of the department of mathematics.
P 8 Advanced elective modules (18 CP)
P 8.a |
Advanced Internship in Physics I |
6 CP |
P 8.b |
Advanced Internship in Physics II |
6 CP |
P 8.c |
Electronics |
6 CP |
P 8.d | Complex Analysis | 6 CP |
P 8.e | Mathematical Methods of Physics | 6 CP |
P 8.f | Research Seminar | 6 CP |
P 8.g | Advanced Topics of Physics | 6 CP |
Three of these modules must be chosen, one of them has to be either P 8.a or P 8.b.
General elective modules (10 CP)
In addition to specialised study, Students acquire subject-specific, non-specialist and interdisciplinary key qualifications of 10 CP. The general elective modules can be chosen from the module catalogues of other subjects or central institutions (see:
General course offerings for students coming from other courses of studies
Module |
Description |
Size |
Pe 1 |
Classical Mechanics and Special Relativity Theory (Theoretical Pysics I) |
10 CP |
Pe 2 |
Electrodynamics (Theoretical Physics II) |
10 CP |
Pe 3 |
Quantum Mechanics (Theoretical Physics III) |
10 CP |
Pe 4 |
Advanced Quantum Mechanics (Theoretical Physics IV) |
10 CP |
Master’s degree
You can apply for master’s courses in Physics and Biophysics at Humboldt-Universität. You’ll find other programmes in the current ‘Post-graduate degree courses’ course catalogue, available at
Important addresses
Department of Physics: Newtonstraße 15, 12489 Berlin,
Course Advisory Service: Frau Dr. Blumstengel, Tel. 030/2093 4806,
Classification and recognition of studies and qualifications (Examinations Office): Mrs Voigt, Tel. +49 30 2093- 81137,
Applications:, see also ‘Course catalogue’
Links to job market: careers information centre ( , employment market reports (, Federal Employment Office Berufenet (, Hochschulteam calendar of events (
Version: February 2020
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