Sport Science
Mono-bachelor, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Please also see the Sport Science combined bachelor’s course and the ‘Bachelor’s and master’s courses at HU’ FAQ as required.
Standard time for completing course
6 semesters
Start of study and Entry Restriction
Cf. course catalogue
Admission requirements
a. Practical sport-related affinity and sporting aptitude: Evidence of at least 33 grade points in sports from three of the last four half years of the Abitur or relevant school qualifications at a comparable qualification level. Taking sports as an accelerated course in secondary school is sufficient to warrant a level of achievement of at least 30 grade points.
No aptitude test is required.
Alternatively: pass in a sports aptitude test of another university (not older than 2 years).
b. Fitness for sport: medical certificate (not older than 1 year). For detailed information, see: 21. Änderung der ZSP-HU (AMB no. 33/2024, pdf), p. 139
Course structure
In total 180 credit points (CP*) are required
Mandatory Modules: 140 CP (including bachelor’s thesis)
Mandatory Elective Modules: 10 CP
General Elective Modules: 30 CP
*One credit point (CP) equals a workload of 25 - 30 hours for preparation, follow-up and attendance at classes.
Course objectives
The bachelor’s course in Sport Science aims to provide students with a broad and integrated knowledge base and understanding of the subject of Sports Sciences. Students will acquire a critical understanding of key theories, principles and methodology of the subject, with a particular focus on the field of ‘Sport, Movement and Education’. The objective of the course is to train experts in the field of Sport, Movement and Education who can develop, plan, perform, analyse and evaluate sports and movement activities in a range of educationally-related social settings. Graduates can go on to work in in organisations that offer fitness-related educational activities or use sport and movement as a medium for communicating educational content (e.g. clubs, associations, Olympic training centres, health insurance schemes, research institutes, companies, schools, nurseries etc.). The course enables its students to contribute to research and development projects at an early stage.
Another primary goal of the course is to qualify students to progress on to a master’s course in Sport Science.
Why study Sport Science at HU?
Humboldt-Universität is home to the only Department of Sport Sciences in the Berlin region. The department lies in the heart of the German capital in modernised historical building with very well-equipped laboratories and a newly built sports research hall. It is one of the largest departments in Germany and the lecturers have close networks outside the university. The department provides ideal conditions for athletes from different sports to successfully manage their dual career of athletic training and education in Sports Sciences. The bachelor’s course teaches fundamental insights and skills in all sub-disciplines of Sports Sciences (the focus is not on students actually participating in sport; the corresponding abilities are a prerequisite). The department’s many international partnerships mean that students can study at a range of universities abroad, thanks to the Erasmus programme. In the in-depth modules, the course offers the opportunity to choose between differentiated and individual focal areas in the fields of culture, health and performance relating to Sport Science.
Course content
The best place to find information about course content is the annotated university calendar. It is online at hu-berlin/vorlesungsverzeichnis. The Course Advisory Service is also available to help you (see addresses). You’ll find the module descriptions, the course curriculum and other details in the course and examination regulations, available online at, no. 25/2013, 115/2015 (1st revision), no. 38/2018 (2nd rev.), or see the non-official reading version.
Mono-bachelor's Course Sport Science with 180 CP
Mandatory modules (140 CP)
Module |
Description |
Size |
B 1 |
Morphology and Function of the Human Motor System |
10 CP |
B 2 |
Movement and Sport as Social Phenomena |
10 CP |
DMS 1 |
Experiencing, Understanding and Learning Individual Forms of Movement |
10 CP |
DMS 2 |
Experiencing, Understanding and Learning Sporting Games |
10 CP |
V 1 |
Methods |
10 CP |
V 2 |
Movement, Sport and Organisation |
10 CP |
V 3 |
Movement, Sport and Health |
10 CP |
V 4 |
Research-related Project Module |
10 CP |
DMS 3 |
Expanding and Consolidating Forms of Movement and Sporting Games |
10 CP |
DMS 4 |
Arranging and Staging Sport and Movement in Various Contexts |
10 CP |
DMS 5 |
Individual Forms of Movement and Sporting Games: Theorie Module |
10 CP |
BZQ1 |
Internship |
10 CP |
BZQ2 | Career-related Additional Qualification | 10 CP |
Bachelor's Thesis | 10 CP |
Mandatory elective modules (10 CP)
Students must choose between the two modules.
Module |
Description |
Size |
V 5a |
Movement, Sport and the Individual |
10 CP |
V 5b |
Movement, Sport and Performance |
10 CP |
General elective modules (30 CP)
The general elective modules (20 CP) can be chosen from the module catalogues of other subjects or central institutions (see: Additional modules with 10 CP must be chosen from interdisciplinary key qualifications modules (BZQ3) offered by central institutions (Language Centre, Career Centre).
General elective courses offered for students coming from other courses of studies
Module |
Description |
Size |
B 1 |
Morphology and Function of the Human Motor System |
10 CP |
B 2 |
Movement and Sport as Social Phenomena |
10 CP |
DMS 5 |
Individual Forms of Movement and Sporting Games: Theorie Module |
10 CP |
Master’s degree
You can apply for the follow-on master’s course in Sport Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (, no. 24/2013, 1. revision no. 67/2019). You will find additional programmes in the current ‘Master's degree courses’ course catalogue.
Important addresses
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Sport Sciences: Philippstr. 13/ Haus 11, 10115 Berlin, Tel. +49 30 2093- 46030,
Course Advisory Service and Classification and recognition of studies and qualifications: Dr. Stefan Hansen, Tel. +49 30 2093-46104, room 3.04,
Links to job market: careers information centre, Hochschulteam calendar of events
Version: June 2024
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