The ECTS Grading Tables based on final grades are frequency tables which provide information on the distribution of final (overall) grades within a certain reference group. Such grade distribution tables can be used when converting foreign final grades into the German grading system.
The conversion method using ECTS Grading Tables is described in the ECTS Users' Guide 2015 (see Examples for grade conversion, pp. 80 - 81). The requirement is that both educational institutions - sending and receiving ones - should hand in a comparable grade distribution table.
In the following, we summarize the basic information on the ECTS Grading Tables generated at HU Berlin.
- Reference groups will be defined according to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-F 2013). Therefore, a reference group (ISCED field of education) may include one or more subjects offered at HU Berlin.
- Only passed final grades from 1,0 to 4,0 will be recorded. The grading tables for Bachelor's and Master's degrees will be issued separately.
- The ECTS Grading Tables of HU Berlin will record the data of three calendar years each and will be updated annually. If a reference group is not large enough, i.e. the database contains less than 50 degrees in the reference period, the corresponding line in the table will be marked accordingly.
- The ECTS Grading Tables based on final grades are intended to be part of the Diploma Supplements provided to the graduates of HU Berlin.
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