Excellence Initiative

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Excellence Initiative | Proposals and Draft Proposals

Proposals submitted by Humboldt-Universität in the Excellence Initiative

<h4>Successful proposals in the first stage of the Excellence

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In the first stage of the Excellence Initiative, two of the proposals
submitted by the Humboldt-Universität have been successful: The two
graduate schools, “Mind and Brain” and “Berlin Mathematical School” (in
cooperation with TU Berlin and FU Berlin), will each be funded with
approximately € Mio.1 per annum for the following five years. <br />
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<h5>Graduate Schools</h5>

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•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="http://www.mind-and-brain.de/">Berlin
School of Mind and Brain</a>, Coordinator: Arno Villringer (HU
Berlin)<br />
•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a
href="http://www.berlin-mathematical-school.de/">Berlin Mathematical
School (BMS)</a>, Coordinators: Günter Ziegler (TU Berlin), Jürg Kramer
(HU Berlin), Klaus Ecker (FU Berlin)<br />
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<h4>Full proposals in the second stage of the Excellence

<br />
In the second stage of the Excellence Initiative, Humboldt-Universität
has submitted full proposals for graduate schools and clusters of
excellence as well as an institutional strategy to promote top-level
research. The decision whether full proposals will be funded by the DFG
will be made in October 2007.<br />
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<h5>Graduate Schools</h5>

<br />
<b>Graduate School of Quantitative Biology</b> <br />
•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Andreas Herrmann und Prof.
Dr. Hanspeter Herzel <br />
<br />
<b>Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences</b><br />
•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Gert-Joachim Glaeßner<br />
<br />
<b>Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies<br />
</b> •&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Georg Duda and Prof.
Dr. Hans-Dieter Volk <br />
<br />
<b>History and Theories of Knowledge<br />
</b>•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Joseph Vogl <br />
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<h5><br />

<h5>Clusters of Excellence</h5>

<p style="margin-right: 0px;" dir="ltr"><b>Topoi – The Formation and
Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations</b> (in
co-operation with FU Berlin)<br />
•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Christof Rapp (HU), Prof.
Dr. Friederike Fless (FU)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
<b>Security and Risk</b><br />
•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Herfried Münkler<br />
<br />
<b>NeuroCure: Towards a Better Outcome of Neurological
Disorders</b><br />
•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Schmitz</p>

<p style="margin-right: 0px;" dir="ltr"><b>Unifying Concepts of
Catalysis<br />
</b> •&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Host University: Technische Universität Berlin
(Participating University: HU)<br />
•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Matthias Driess<br />
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<h5>Institutional strategy to promote top-level research<br />

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•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Translating Humboldt into the 21st Century <br />
<br />
A summary of the proposal in German can be found here:&nbsp; <a
"Translating Humboldt into the 21st Century – Übersicht der wichtigsten
Maßnahmen des Langantrags"</a><br />
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