Russian Studies
Combined bachelor, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - This course is also suitable if you wish to enter the teaching profession.
Standard time for completing course
6 semesters
Start of study
see; with or without numerus clausus
Combinations and Course Structure
Russian Studies can be studied as:
Core subject without teacher training option: 120 CP*, with a second subject to be selected
Second subject without teacher training option: 60 CP, with a bachelor’s core subject, except Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Core subject with teacher training option: 113 CP, with a second subject to be selected
Second subject with teacher training option: 67 CP, with a bachelor’s core subject, except Biology, Chemistry, Greek Studies, Italian Studies and Physics
Please refer to ’Bachelor’s and master’s courses at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin’ and ’Teacher training programme at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin’. These FAQs also offer information about combination options. The range of subjects can be found in the current ’Course catalogue’.
*One credit point (CP) equals a workload of 25 - 30 hours for preparation, follow-up and attendance at classes.
Language skills
Students are expected to have Russian language skills, but they do not have to be proven upon enrolment. Students without language skills can complete a preparatory tutorial programme. An appropriate level of English is expected. And an adequate knowledge of German is also required.
Study programme abroad
A one-semester study abroad period or four-week stay abroad is required for the core subject in module 7 and for the second subject in module 7a.
Why study Russian Studies at HU?
Russian Studies is part of the field of Foreign Languages and Literatures. The course covers the Russian language, literature and culture. Solid foreign language training goes alongside the acquisition of specialist skills. The course deals with linguistic and literary studies phenomena, but also includes historical, regional studies and cultural studies issues.
Course objectives
- Provide fundamental scientific knowledge of the Russian language, literature and culture based on selected thematic focuses. This knowledge covers both historic-diachronic and synchronic aspects of study materials, and includes inter-cultural relationships. They enable students to handle texts analytically.
- Acquisition of key techniques of academic and systematic work, research, written and oral presentation. Learning the foreign language (Russian) is at the heart of the acquisition of communicative competence.
- Analysing complex epistemological interrelationships of the subject’s history and culture and the ability to critically discuss academic theories and methods, and to handle scientific questions independently.
- Provision of career-related additional qualifications and career-oriented elements, e.g. in the fields of the media, publishing, cultural management, activities in international organisations, further education, and where relevant, preparation for a teaching-related master’s course.
- Basis for an academic career.
Content of studies
The best places to find information about course content are the course regulations (, no. 34/2022) and the annotated university calendar ( You can also consult the Course Advisory Service.
Russian Studies without teacher training option
Core subject Russian Studies with 120 CP
Mandatory Modules (80 CP)
Module 01: Introduction to Literature Studies, 6 CP
Module 02: Introduction to Linguistics, 6 CP
Module 03: Language Practice I A2+, 6 CP
Module 04: Laguage Practice II B1, 5 CP
Module 05: Methodological Focusing, 7 CP
Module 06: Language Practice III B1+, 6 CP
Module 07: Language Practice IV B2, 5 CP
Module 08: Literature Studies -Text and Media Analyses, 7 CP
Module 09: Linguistics - Structure, Text and Context, 7 CP
Module 10: In-depth Studies in the Specialist Discipline Abroad or
Module 11: In-depth Studies in the Specialist Discipline Inland, each 15 CP
Module 13: Bachelor's Thesis, 10 CP
Mandatory Elective Modules (20 CP)
Students must select modules summing up to 20 CP out of module package I and module package II, 10 CP per module package are required.
Module Package I
Module 14: Comparative Literature, 5 CP
Module 15: Literature and Culture Theory, 5 CP
Module 16: Linguistic Theory, 5 CP
Module 17: Linguistic Technology and Corpus Linguistics, 5 CP
Module 18: Historical Linguistic Perspectives, 5 CP
Module 19: Additional Language Practice A1, 5 CP
Module 20: Additional Language Practice A2, 5 CP
Module Package II
Module 22: Practical Orientation, 5 CP or 10 CP
Module 23: Internship, 10 CP
Module 24: Language Learning and Multilinguism, 5 CP
Module 25: Additional Language Practice A1, 5 CP
Module 26: Additional Language Practice A2, 5 CP
General elective modules (20 CP)
In addition to specialised study, Students acquire subject-specific, non-specialist and interdisciplinary key qualifications of 20 CP. The general elective modules can be chosen from the module catalogues of other subjects or central institutions (see:
Second subject Russian Studies with 60 CP
Modules 1-9 from core subject, in total 55 CP
Module 12: In-depth Studies in the Specialist Discipline (Second Subject), 5 CP
Russian Studies with teacher training option
Core subject Russian Studies with 113 CP
Mandatory Modules (80 CP)
Module 01: Introduction to Literature Studies, 6 CP
Module 02: Introduction to Linguistics, 6 CP
Module 03: Language Practice I A2+, 6 CP
Module 04: Laguage Practice II B1, 5 CP
Module 05: Methodological Focusing, 7 CP
Module 06: Language Practice III B1+, 6 CP
Module 07: Language Practice IV B2, 5 CP
Module 08: Literature Studies -Text and Media Analyses, 7 CP
Module 09: Linguistics - Structure, Text and Context, 7 CP
Module 10: In-depth Studies in the Specialist Discipline Abroad or
Module 11: In-depth Studies in the Specialist Discipline Inland, each 15 CP
Module 13: Bachelor's Thesis, 10 CP
Mandatory Elective Modules (10 CP)
Students must select modules summing up to 10 CP
Module 14: Comparative Literature, 5 CP
Module 15: Literature and Culture Theory, 5 CP
Module 16: Linguistic Theory, 5 CP
Module 17: Linguistic Technology and Corpus Linguistics, 5 CP
Module 18: Historical Linguistic Perspectives, 5 CP
Module 19: Additional Language Practice A1, 5 CP
Module 20: Additional Language Practice A2, 5 CP
General elective modules - teacher training studies (23 CP)
In addition to specialised study, students on a bachelor’s with teacher training option will complete the Educational Sciences teacher training module (13 CP) and the ‘German as a Second Language’ module (3 CP). You will find information on this at The didactic module (7 CP) is also required.
Module 30: Introduction to the didactics of Russian teaching (7 CP)
Second subject Russian with 60 CP
Mandatory Modules (60 CP)
Modules 1-9 from core subject, in total 55 CP
Module 12: In-depth Studies in the Specialist Discipline (Second Subject), 5 CP
General elective module - teacher training studies (7 CP)
Module 30: Introduction to the didactics of Russian teaching (7 CP)
General elective course offerings for students coming from other courses of studies
Module 28: Slavic Literature Studies, 10 CP
Module 29: Slavic Linguistics, 10 CP
Master’s degrees
Completing the Bachelor of Arts in Russian Studies enables you to study for a Master of Education, as well as the Department of Slavic Studies master’s courses ‘Slavic Literatures’, ‘Slavic Languages’ and ‘Central and Eastern European Cultures’ (if you previously took the subjects of History, European Ethnology, Art or Media Studies on the bachelor’s course). You will find additional programmes in the Course catalogue.
Important addresses
Department of Slavic and Hungarian Studies: Dorotheenstr. 65,, Tel. + 49 30 2093-73350
Course Advisory Service for prospective students: Dr. Kazalarska, room 5.26, Tel. +49 30 2093-73367,
Classification and recognition of studies and qualifications: Dr. Wapenhans, room 5.68, Tel. +49 30 2093-73358,
Service for teacher training students:, Tel. +49 30 2093-1571,
Applications: How to apply, Information for prospective international students
Links to job market: careers information centre, Hochschulteam calendar of events
Version: November 2023
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