Scandinavian Studies
Mono-bachelor, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Please also see the Scandinavian Studies combined bachelor’s course and ‘Bachelor’s and master’s courses at HU’ as required.
Standard time for completing course
6 semesters
Start of study
Winter semester only, with numerus clausus
Combinations and Course structure
Scandinavian Studies is offered as:
In total 180 credit points (CP*) are required.
Mandatory modules: 120 CP
Mandatory elective modules: 40 CP
General elective modules: 20 CP
Combined Bachelor's course:
Core subject: 120 CP for a bachelor’s secondary subject from a combined bachelor’s without teacher training course programme
Secondary subject: 60 CP for a bachelor’s core subject from a combined bachelor’s without teacher training course programme (cannot be combined with Biology and Deaf Studies)
* One credit point is calculated to equate to an average workload of 25 to max. 30 hours for preparation, follow-up and attendance at lectures.
Language skills
No previous knowledge of the languages to be studied is required. Students are expected to have an adequate knowledge of German and English for philological study.
Study programme abroad
Study abroad periods are strongly recommended, and ‘learning agreements’ may be concluded with the faculty for this purpose.
Why study Scandinavian Studies at HU?
The Department of Northern European Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is the largest Scandinavian Studies department in Germany. The subject of Scandinavian Studies here offers unique diversity: the literature, language, history, politics and cultures of northern Europe and the Baltic Sea region.
You will explore the various sub-disciplines of the subject through cultural studies, linguistics, literature studies and medieval studies. You can study cultural studies (history, politics and culture) as part of a Scandinavian Studies course only in Berlin. In addition to Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, students here can also learn Finnish and Icelandic. This varied academic programme offers you broad perspectives for the future professional use of the knowledge you will acquire.
The Department of Northern European Studies is a lively department. We cultivate close contacts and networks with Scandinavia, the entire Baltic Sea region and the Nordic embassies in Berlin. We offer a varied, ongoing programme of guest lectures and meetings with key Scandinavian personalities. Our endowed Swedish and Norwegian chairs play a major role in the exchange.Norrona, the Scandinavian Studies German student newspaper, has its main editorial office at the Department of Northern European Studies and invites you to contribute.
What particular prerequisites do you need?
Scandinavian Studies is considered a ‘small’ subject - but we have an immense variety of materials for scientific activity despite this designation, which requires you to have great curiosity regarding other cultures. An enjoyment of literature, an interest in cultures, a talent for languages and a love of reading are therefore all vital prerequisites for the Scandinavian Studies course.
Course objectives
- Building on the four Department of Northern European Studies sub-fields of Cultural Studies, Linguistics, Literature Studies (recent literature) and Medieval Studies, the mono-bachelor provides fundamental scientific knowledge focussing on Northern Europe with reference to German-Scandinavian interrelations.
- During the first phase, students gain comprehensive language competence in one of the mainland Scandinavian languages, as well as fundamental inter-Scandinavian communication skills.
- Students also learn a second northern European language (Finnish or Icelandic). Knowledge of one of these two languages enables students to handle a broader spectrum of northern European topics (e.g. cross-border issues in cultural studies and literary studies sub-fields, or the topic of language contact in the linguistics sub-field).
- On this linguistic and communicative foundation, students will acquire an overview of the various specialist contents and methods within a global cultural studies approach in the broad sense.
- Taking into account interdisciplinary aspects, students may choose an area of focus in three of four sub-fields.
- The course serves as preparation for professional fields of activity, e.g. in publishing, the media, cultural management, international organisations and adult education.
- The course is a basis for an academic career (master’s course).
Content of studies
The best way to find information about course content is to use the course regulations (, no. 101/2014) and the annotated university calendar ( You can also consult the Course Advisory Service.
Mono-Bachelor's course Scandinavian Studies with 180 CP
Mandatory modules (120 CP)
Module 01 Basic Competences, 7 CP
Module 03 Language Training Danish, Norwegian or Swedish I, 7 CP
Module 04 Language Training Finnish or Icelandic I, 14 CP
Module 05 Language Training Danish, Norwegian or Swedish II, 8 CP
Module 06 Introduction to Scandinavian Studies A, 7 CP
Module 07 Introduction to Scandinavian Studies B, 7 CP
Module 08 Language Training Danish, Norwegian or Swedish III, 8 CP
Module 10 Language Training Finnish or Icelandic II, 14 CP
Module 11 In-depth course Scandinavian Studies A, 13 CP
Module 12 In-depth course Scandinavian Studies B, 13 CP
Module 13 Specialization course Scandinavian Studies A, 12 CP
Module 14 Bachelor's thesis, 10 CP
Mandatory elective modules (40 CP)
Four of these modules have to be chosen
Module 15 Internship, 10 CP
Module 16 Practical Orientation, 10 CP
Module 17 In-depth course of subject related competences, 10 CP
Module 19 Extension course of subject related competences, 10 CP
Module 21 Language Training In-depth/Extension course, 10 CP
General elective modules (20 CP)
In addition to specialised study, Students acquire subject-specific, non-specialist and interdisciplinary key qualifications of 20 CP. The general elective modules can be chosen from the module catalogues of other subjects or central institutions (see:
Combined Bachelor's course
Scandinavian Studies as a core subject (120 CP)
Mandatory modules (80 CP)
Module 01 Basic Competences, 7 CP
Module 03 Language Training Danish, Norwegian or Swedish I, 7 CP
Module 05 Language Training Danish, Norwegian or Swedish II, 8 CP
Module 06 Introduction to Scandinavian Studies A, 7 CP
Module 07 Introduction to Scandinavian Studies B, 7 CP
Module 08 Language Training Danish, Norwegian or Swedish III, 8 CP
Module 11 In-depth course Scandinavian Studies A, 13 CP
Module 12 In-depth course Scandinavian Studies B, 13 CP
Module 14 Bachelor's thesis, 10 CP
Mandatory elective modules (20 CP)
Two of these modules have to be chosen
Module 15 Internship, 10 CP
Module 16 Practical Orientation, 10 CP
Module 17 In-depth course of subject related competences, 10 CP
Module 19 Extension course of subject related competences, 10 CP
Module 21 Language Training In-depth/Extension course, 10 CP
General elective modules (20 CP)
In addition to specialised study, Students acquire subject-specific, non-specialist and interdisciplinary key qualifications of 20 CP. The general elective modules can be chosen from the module catalogues of other subjects or central institutions (see:
Scandinavian Studies as a secondary subject (60 CP)
Module 02 Basic Competences, 5 CP
Module 03 Language Training Danish, Norwegian or Swedish I, 7 CP
Module 05 Language Training Danish, Norwegian or Swedish II, 8 CP
Module 06 Introduction to Scandinavian Studies A, 7 CP
Module 09 Language Training Danish, Norwegian or Swedish III, 6 CP
Module 11 In-depth course Scandinavian Studies A, 13 CP
Module 18 In-depth course of subject related competences, 7 CP
Module 20 Extension course of subject related competences, 7 CP
General course offerings for students coming from other courses of studies
Module 22 Introduction to Scandinavian Studies, 10 CP
Module 23 Introduction to Scandinavian Medieval Studies, 10 CP
Master’s degree
Completing the Bachelor of Arts in Scandinavian Studies enables you to study the Scandinavian Studies master’s course at the department. You will find additional HU programmes in the Course catalogue.
Important addresses
Department of Northern European Studies: Dorotheenstr. 24,, Tel. +49 30 2093-9737
Course Advisory Service and Classification and recognition of studies and qualifications: Dr. Milosch, Tel. +49 30 2093-9627,
Applications: How to apply, Information for prospective international students
Links to job market: careers information centre ( , employment market reports (, Federal Employment Office Berufenet (, Hochschulteam calendar of events (
Version: June 2015
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