Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

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Prof. Dr. Petra Stanat
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46500 Direktorin
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, room 327
postal address maybe differing
  program of lectures
Benjamin Becker
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46592 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin
postal address maybe differing
Liane Diez
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46548 Assistenz Kaufmänn. Vorstand/Veranstaltungsorganisation
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, room 341
postal address maybe differing
Kerstin Drößig
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46549 Leitung Personal, stellv. Verwaltungsleitung
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, room 239
postal address maybe differing
Sonja Ellmer
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46545 Sachbearbeiterin für Finanzen/Vertragswesen
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, room 238
postal address maybe differing
Maria Engelbert
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46514 Fachkoordination
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude, Hannoversche Straße 19, 10115 Berlin, room 2
postal address maybe differing
Dr. Cornelia Gresch
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46515 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude, Hannoversche Straße 19, 10115 Berlin, room 14
postal address maybe differing
Patrick Hawlitschek
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46523 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, room 336
postal address maybe differing
Dr. Sofie Henschel
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46542 Stellv. Wissenschaftliche Leitung
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, room 327
postal address maybe differing
Lars Hoffmann
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46581 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Sek II
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude, Hannoversche Straße 19, 10115 Berlin, room 31
postal address maybe differing
Marlen Holtmann
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46511 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, room 339
postal address maybe differing
Dipl.-Päd. Susanne Hunger
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46530 Koordination VERA
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, room 340
postal address maybe differing
Dr. Malte Jansen
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46525 Wissenschaftlicher Leiter des Forschungsdatenzentrums (FDZ)
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude, Hannoversche Straße 19, 10115 Berlin, room 13
postal address maybe differing
Britta Jessing
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46547 Sachbearbeiterin Personal
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, room 237
postal address maybe differing
Dr. Anne Jostkleigrewe-Paulus
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46543 Kaufmännischer Vorstand
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, room 342
postal address maybe differing
Ricarda Klein
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46500 Assistentin der Institutsleitung
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, room 327
postal address maybe differing
Aleksander Kocaj
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46507 Mitarbeiter im Forschungsdatenzentrum (FDZ)
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude, Hannoversche Straße 19, 10115 Berlin, room 4
postal address maybe differing
M.A. Pauline Kohrt
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46509 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Mathematik Primarstufe/VERA 3
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude, Hannoversche Straße 19, 10115 Berlin, room 12
postal address maybe differing
Stefanie Krüger
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46536 Fachkoordinatorin Mathematik Sekundarstufe I
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, room 338
postal address maybe differing
Lena Külker
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46577 Wiss. MA INSIDE
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude, Hannoversche Straße 19, 10115 Berlin, room 25
postal address maybe differing
Monika Lacher
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46552 Drittmittel; Verwaltung FDZ
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude, Hannoversche Straße 19, 10115 Berlin, room 6
postal address maybe differing
Sarah Lenz
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46571 Wiss. MA Englisch Sek I
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, room 233
postal address maybe differing
Vasco Lorber
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46579 Mathematik Sek II
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude, Hannoversche Straße 19, 10115 Berlin
postal address maybe differing
Dr. Georg Lorenz
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46524 Wiss. MA im Projekt "ISONET"
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, room 12
postal address maybe differing
Martin Mechtel
Appointment area:
phone: (030)2093-46560 Leitung EDV
  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
 additional Scientific Units
  Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Non-affiliated Units
   Institutes "within" the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    Institute for Educational Quality Improvement
  office: Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Luisenstraße 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, room 134
postal address maybe differing
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