Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Service | Zentrales Informationssystem (ZIS)

Personen, Einrichtungen, Rufnummern

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Sven Salow

Appointment area:

Nummer: 1695446

phone: (030)2093-46012, 2093-46013 Betriebshandwerker HLS
fax: (030)2093-4604
Vice-President for Finance / Personnel and Technical Matters    
 Technical Division    
  Section F - Technical Service / Concierge    
   Central Building Control System (Master and Team), Measurement and Control Engineering, Telecommunication Install. and Services    
    Heating-, Ventilation- , Plumbing Installations - North / Dahlem / Campus Adlershof    
BZ: VF 1-3.11
postal address: Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
office: Windkanal, Brook-Taylor-Straße 1, 12489 Berlin, room Werkstatt

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