Excellence Initiative

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Excellence Initiative | Proposals and Draft Proposals | AdlershofCampus+ - Graduate School of Science

AdlershofCampus+ - Graduate School of Science

"Only interdisciplinary expert teams from natural sciences can pursue cutting-edge research on the building blocks and composites systems to understand matter and life."

Excellence in the Natural Sciences in Unique Surroundings

The mission of AdlershofCampus+ is to attract the brightest students worldwide and to offer them ideal conditions to pursue PhD studies within an interdisciplinary scientific environment after their BSc or MSc degrees.The scientific guideline is to understand matter and life not only as being composed of basic building blocks, but also as a composite system governed by certain rules. Therefore, interdisciplinary expert teams from physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, invironmental science and others have to tackle both "simple" microscopic and "complex" systems. Urgent questions posed by science and society are answered in a joint interdisciplinary research effort in a stimulating environment as a key prerequisite for success.
The school’s research expertise and curriculum, plus the outstanding environment (Campus+) enable students to pursue cutting-edge research on the building blocks and composites that form matter and life, including innovative changes and advances in science. As a guideline they will follow a strategy which can be abbreviated by the scientific maxim: make, measure, model, and manage. Three prerequisites are combined to achieve this goal: First, scientific excellence present in the science departments of Humboldt-Universität and in the non-university research institutions that provides concepts, methods, and techniques of interdisciplinary research; second, a unique urban and technological setting, the Science and Technology Park Adlershof which concentrates research institutions and high-tech companies in an exceptional environment; and third, an educational concept that combines intense supervision with curriculum flexibility in a solid organizational structure.The ultimate goal is to establish one of the world’s top graduate schools of science that repares graduates for leading positions in academia and industry.