Existing Research Associations
Cluster of Excellence "Materials in New Light"
- Collaborative
Research Center 448 "Mesoscopically Organized Composites"
- Collaborative
Research Center 555 "Complex Non-Linear Processes"
- Collaborative Research Center 658 "Elementary processes in molecular switches at surfaces"
- Collaborative Research Center 450 "Analysis and control of ultrafast photoinduced reactions"
- Collaborative Research Center 449 "Structure and function of membrane-integral receptors"
- Collaborative Research Center 296 "Growth Correlated Properties of Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Structures"
- Research Training Group 1025 "Fundamentals and functionality of size and interface controlled materials"
- International Max Planck Research School on Biomimetic Systems
- EU-FP6: Laserlab Europe
- EU-FP6: Integrated Initiative on Synchrotrons and FELs
- EU-FP6: Double Tungstate Crystals (DT-Crys)