Collaborative Research Centres of the German Research Foundation (DFG) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
CRC 1315: Mechanisms and disturbances in memory consolidation: From synapses to systems
How does long-term memory work? That is the key question at the heart of the new Collaborative Research Center SFB 1315. Memory makes us who we are as humans; however, memory is also a complex set of processes that can be understood on many levels from basic storage mechanisms to large-scale cognitive processing. This is where the SFB 1315 comes in. Its aim is to describe and understand memory as a whole from the basic processes right up to human cognition – in other words, to generate a theory of memory. In particular, the SFB 1315 will focus on how memories are consolidated over time. In addition, the team of researchers seek to learn how to influence and even enhance memory formation. It is hoped this will lead to new treatment methods for disorders that remain virtually untreatable (such as, for instance, Alzheimer's disease).
Prof. Matthew Larkum, Ph.D.
Faculty of Life Sciences
Department of Biology
Charitéplatz 1
D-10017 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 2093-539117
Duration: 07/18 - 06/22
CRC 1412: Register: Language-Users' Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation
Der SFB 1412 untersucht Aspekte des Registerwissens von Sprecherinnen und Sprechern einer Sprache. Kompetente Sprecherinnen und Sprecher können ihr sprachliches Handeln auf jeder Ebene an die jeweilige Situation anpassen: Sie wissen beispielsweise, dass sauer in anderen Situationen angemessen ist als verärgert, dass mit einem Kind in weniger komplexen Sätzen gesprochen wird als in einer wissenschaftlichen Veranstaltung oder dass es manchmal egal ist, ob man gegen acht oder 7:49 Uhr sagt und manchmal nicht.
Prof. Dr. Anke Lüdeling
Faculty of Linguistic Science and Literary Studies
Department of German Studies and Linguistics
Dorotheenstraße 24
D-10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 2093-9799
Duration: 01/20 - 01/24
CRC 1404: FONDA - Foundations of Workflows for Large-Scale Scientific Data Analysis
FONDA investigates methods for increasing productivity in the development, execution, and maintenance of Data Analysis Workflows for large scientific data sets. The CRC approaches the underlying research questions from a fundamental perspective, aiming to find new abstractions, models, and algorithms that can eventually form the basis of a new class of future infrastructures for Data Analysis Workflows.
Prof. Dr. Ulf Leser
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Computer Science
Rudower Chaussee 25
D-12489 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 2093-3902
Duration: 07/20 - 06/24
CRC/TR190: Rationality and Competition: The Economic Performance of Individuals and Firms
The CRC-Transregio combines the research programs of behavioral and neoclassical economists to study applied economic questions that are of high policy relevance. The CRC's focus is on the economic behavior and performance of individuals and firms: How do systematic biases in expectations, decision processes, and preferences affect the most important economic decisions of households, about education, health, labor supply, financial investments and the purchase of durable consumption goods? How do firms respond to behavioral biases of their customers and their employees, for example by adjusting their marketing strategies, their organizational design, their incentive schemes and their innovation activities? Does competition reduce or amplify the effects of behavioral biases of individuals and firms? What economic policy interventions are effective to protect consumers and employees from exploitation and how can they prevent the destabilization of markets (due to bubbles and crashes)? Thus, the CRC will analyze the allocative consequences and the economic policy implications of different aspects of rationality and deviations from rationality in competitive environments.An important empirical question is in what environments behavioral biases have a quantitatively large effect and under what circumstances the standard, neoclassical model is sufficient to explain observed behavior. Answering this question requires the close collaboration of behavioral and neoclassical economists that the CRC is set up to promote. We will employ modern microeconomic theory (including behavioral economic theory) to generate testable hypotheses as well as a wide set of empirical methods using field data, survey data, administrative data and economic experiments.
Prof. Georg Weizsäcker, PhD
Faculty of of Economics and Business Administration
Spandauer Straße 1
D-10178 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 2093-99492
E-Mail: weizsaecker (at)
Duration: 01/17 - 12/24