Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Forschung | Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis | CoARA | OnlineWorkshop: Structured, narrative cv's in life sciences

OnlineWorkshop: Structured, narrative cv's in life sciences

Virtual workshop on structured, narrative CVs in life sciences, organized by the QUEST Center for Responsible Research at the Berlin Institute of Health and the Einstein Foundation Award.

Course Description

Structured, narrative CVs are a new format designed to recognize the broad range of a researcher’s scholarly contributions, providing qualitative evidence of research outcomes and achievements in a concise and structured manner. They are increasingly becoming a standard requirement in grant applications and hiring procedures in- and outside academia. 

This virtual workshop will offer insights from and a learning experience for both: the ECRs who are providing the information and those responsible for reading and evaluating it. The workshop will focus on biomedical research.

More information and registration (registration deadline 10th of January): Link