Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Health insurance for students

Health insurance, proof of health insurance, compulsory health insurance, SMV

According to Section 5 Paragraph 1 No. 9 SGB V, students are required to take out health insurance if they are enrolled at a state or state-recognized university in Germany.

For this reason, it is compulsory to prove your health insurance status (statutory insured or exempted from statutory insurance) for your enrollment at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

If you have any questions about student health insurance, please contact a statutory or private health insurance company, which will provide you with comprehensive advice.

Since January 1st, 2022, all universities in Germany have been obliged to participate in the electronic student registration procedure (SMV procedure) with the statutory health insurance companies. Confirmations from health insurance companies in paper form (or digital copies from confirmations) therefore cannot be accepted.


To prove your health insurance status, please proceed as described below.


A. Health insurance for the enrollment


1. You are insured by a *statutory health insurance company* in Germany.

Please ask your statutory health insurance company to send a proof of your insurance status to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, stating the sender number H0000442


2. You are privately insured in Germany or legally insured in a country of the European Union  or  you can be exempted from the statutory health insurance obligation for another reason (e.g. because you are over 30 years of age).

Please contact a *statutory health insurance company* of your choice and ask them to send your insurance status to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, stating the sender number H0000442


Important information: Only statutory health insurance companies in Germany can check whether your insurance cover is sufficient for enrollment at a university and whether you can be exempted from the compulsory statutory health insurance. The exemption usually applies at least for the entire duration of the studies and cannot be revoked in most cases. Please ask an advice from a health insurance company of your choice in good time before the start of your studies.


B. Change of the health insurance


If you change your health insurance company during your studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, your new statutory health insurance company must send an electronic notification to HU. Please inform your health insurance company of the sender number H0000442.


C. Additional notes for international students


International students are also required to have a sufficient health insurance in Germany.

Please get in touch with a statutory health insurance company of your choice and either take out a statutory health insurance or ask for an exemption from the statutory health insurance (if applicable) so that your insurance status can be confirmed for your enrollment at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

On the website of the International Department you will find contact details for health insurance companies in Germany, which you can contact if you have any questions:

Health and health insurances ("Statutory health insurance consultants")

D. Additional information


  • What information do universities and health insurance companies exchange with each other?

According to § 199a SGB V there are the following reporting obligations for health insurance companies and universities:

Reports from the health insurance companies to HU Berlin:

  • M10: Insurance status of students for enrollment
  • M11: Beginning of the insurance when changing health insurance
  • M12: Delay in paying health insurance contributions (blocks re-registration at HU)
  • M13: Payment of the outstanding contributions by the students (enables re-registration at HU after the M12 notification)

Reports from HU Berlin to the statutory health insurance companies:

  • M20: Start of studies at HU Berlin
  • M30: End of studies at HU Berlin


The scope of the information that the health insurance companies are required to report can be found in the following linked document from the GKV (Spitzenverband Bund der Krankenkassen) (only in German):

Anlage 1 der Gemeinsamen Grundsätze zum elektronischen Studenten-Meldeverfahren nach § 199a Abs. 7 SGB V - Meldung der Krankenkassen

The extent of the data that the universities are required to report can be found in this GKV document (only in German):

Anlage 2 der Gemeinsamen Grundsätze zum elektronischen Studenten-Meldeverfahren nach § 199a Abs. 7 SGB V – Meldung der Hochschulen


  • Where can I find further information on the reporting procedure?

You can find more about the student registration procedure on the GKV website linked below (only in German):


A presentation of the legal framework and special regulations for statutory health insurance for students are presented by the GKV in this PDF document (only in German):

Grundsätzliche Hinweise Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung der Studenten, Praktikanten und Auszubildenden ohne Arbeitsentgelt sowie Auszubildenden des Zweiten Bildungswegs

Information according to EU-DSGVO


When contacting facilities of the study department, personal data are partly collected and processed. The processing of personal data, such as the name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number shall always be in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU-DSGVO) and in accordance with the Berlin Data Protection Act (BlnDSG). Further information on this, your rights and options can be found at