Deadlines for the summer semester 2025 |
For main listener („Haupthörer:innen“, students primarily studying at HU Berlin) |
Main re-registration deadline | 15 December 2024 - 15 February 20251 |
Grace period ("Ausschlussfrist", cannot be extended) | 16 February - 31 March 2025 |
Please re-register before the start of each new semester by transferring the semester fees in full. It is compulsory that you meet the re-registration deadlines in order to avoid de-registration. Please note that in addition to the bank transfer, it may be necessary to submit documents to the enrolment office (please see information in your AGNES-account). |
1 Please note: If you transfer the fee during the grace period, you will have to pay a late fee of € 19.94 ("Säumnisgebühr"). Please note that the grace period cannot be extended. In order to meet the deadline, the receipt of money has to be on the last day of the deadline on the HU bank account (due to Administration Fees Ordinance (Verwaltungsgebührenordnung/VGebO)). |
For side listener ("Zweithörer:innen" or "Mehrfachimmatrikulierte", students studying their main or first subject at a different university) |
Main re-registration deadline | 15 December 2024 - 31 March 20252 |
Grace period ("Ausschlussfrist", cannot be extended) |
01 April - 15 April 2024 |
For your re-registration, please submit a certificate of enrolment from your main university for the upcoming semester, which shows the course of study, the desired degree goal, the number of your university semesters and the number of your subject semesters. |
2 Please note: If you are not completing your re-registration by the main deadline for re-registration a late fee of € 19,94 will be due (according to Administration Fee Ordinance (Verwaltungsgebührenordnung/ VGebO)). |
Legal bases |
Itemisation of fees and contributions3 |
Legal bases | Amount | |
Semester fees | § 2 Abs. 7 BerlHG3 | 50,00 € |
Contribution to the student body ("Studierendenschaftsbeitrag") |
§§ 18, 20 BerlHG3; § 16 Abs. 2 Satzung der StudentInnenschaft3 and § 4 Abs. 1 Dritte Änderung der Beitragsordnung der StudentInnenschaft3 der HU Berlin |
10,50 € |
Contribution to Student Services ("Studierendenwerksbeitrag") | § 1 Satz 1 SozVO3 | 85,00 € |
Semester ticket for public transport (Deutschlandsemesterticket) |
§ 18a Abs. 4 BerlHG3; Satzung nach § 18a Abs. 4 BerlHG3 ("Semesterticket-Satzung") and Deutschlandsemesterticketvertrag (Vertrag zum Erwerb des Deutschlandsemestertickets) from 20 March 2024 |
176,40 € |
Solidarity contribution to the semester ticket ("Solidaritätsbeitrag zum Semesterticket") | § 1 Abs. 1 Satz 2 Satzung nach § 18 a V BerlHG3 ("Sozialfonds-Satzung");
By resolution of the student parliament of 11 November 2024, the collection of the solidarity contribution for the semester ticket will be suspended in the summer semester 2025 and winter semester 2025/26. |
0,00 € |
Total amount | 321,90 € | |
3 As amended from time to time. |
Bank account details |
Recipient: | Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin |
IBAN: | DE64 1001 0010 0651 8231 04 |
Bank: | Postbank Berlin |
Reference: | [matriculation number]STU20251 [surname], [given name] |
Please note that only this bank account can be used for re-registration. Please note that additional fees may apply for transfers outside of Germany. You should ask your bank about these and include them in the transfer. |
You can find a printable itemisation of the fees for the winter semester 2024/25 via:
Semester fees for the summer semester 2025
Further printable itemisations from previous semesters can be found under the following link:
Semester fees by winter semester 2011/12
If you still see in AGNES that you have not re-registered after paying your re-registration fees (please note bank processing times), please check whether
- there is still a difference to be paid,
- whether you have entered the data for the transfer of the amount correctly (on the basis of your bank statement) and
- whether any documents/evidences are still required for your re-registration (this information will be shown to you under the menu item "Re-registration information" in the AGNES portal after you have logged in with your student HU account).
The use of the semester ticket is generally mandatory. Only the following groups of students are entitled to be exempted from the semester ticket:
- Students who exercise their membership rights at another university (main students at another university in Berlin or Brandenburg).
- Disabled people who are entitled to free public transport and can prove this.
- Students who can prove with a medical certificate that they cannot use local public transport due to a disability or illness.
- Students who are staying outside the fare zone for at least three months due to their studies, a practical semester, a semester abroad or as a part of their final thesis.
If one of the above reasons applies to you, you can submit an informal application for exemption from the semester ticket with appropriate proof of the reason to the enrolment office by the end of the main re-registration period (by post or electronically using the e-mail contact form at
After your application has been approved, you will see the reduced fee for re-registration under "Re-registration information" in AGNES ( If you have already paid a higher amount, you can submit an informal application for a refund to the enrolment office, stating your account details (also possible by the contact form). Please note that the processing time of reimbursement can take up to 10 weeks.
An exemption from the semester ticket or a refund for the period in the past is not possible. For the decision on exemption or reimbursement of the semester ticket, is important the day on which the application for reimbursement was received by the enrolment office and on which day the Campus Card was validated. Students who are re-registering must have submitted their full application for exemption from the semester ticket at the enrolment office by the end of the main re-registration period for the upcoming semester; for students who enroll, on the date of enrolment at the latest.
In the following cases, students have no entitlement and are excluded from using the semester ticket:
- Students who are on a semester of leave
- Students in distance learning courses (currently only M.A. LIS).
Please contact the responsible examination office and clarify whether re-registration is necessary in your case. As a missing re-registration will result in de-registration and, depending on the number of semesters already completed, re-enrolment in the same degree program is generally not possible, you should think about this decision very carefully.
Please contact the PhD office of your faculty and clarify whether the enrolment is necessary to defend your thesis and proceed accordingly. If the regular processing time for your doctorate has expired, you have submitted your thesis and you need to be enrolled in the upcoming semester, ask the PhD office to inform the enrolment office about this. After the enrolment office has received the confirmation from the PhD office and your payment of the semester fee , we will re-register you.
If you are sure that you would like to remain enrolled at HU (with an old or a new subject), please re-register.
If you want to leave HU in case of rejection for the new subject, please do not re-register. You will then be de-registered at the end of the semester (31 March or 30 September).
Alternatively, you can apply for de-registration if you e.g. need the certificate of de-registration for another university before the end of the semester. If you do not re-register, you will receive a request to transfer the semester fee during the enrolment process if you are admitted to the new course.
If you were de-registered after you have re-registered, you may be able to receive a partial refund of the semester fee once you have returned your Campus Card. In order to check it for your individual case, please submit an informal application for reimbursement to the enrolment office and enclose your Campus Card. Please note that a refund for the period in the past is not possible.