Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Integrative Research Institutes

Integrative Research Institutes (IRIs) are interdisciplinary research institutes at Humboldt-Universität. They focus on a research field in which the University aims to become an international leader. Researchers of the Humboldt-Universität work closely with partner organisations and international visitors at an IRI.

As interdisciplinary institutes, the IRIs promote intra-university collaborations with a strong research focus and thus play a decisive role in overall profile-building at the University. At the same time, the IRIs tap into the potential found at the interface between university and non-university research and make a crucial contribution to the long-term development of collaborative research at Humboldt-Universität. In addition to their high potential for academic innovation, the IRIs also have a structural impact on the University’s governance and create new models of academic collaboration beyond the boundaries of individual disciplines.

The IRIs also work closely with the Humboldt Graduate School on providing support to young researchers.

IRIS Adlershof

The Integrative Research Institute for the Sciences – IRIS Adlershof – was founded in 2009 as the first IRI at HUmboldt-Universität. It conducts interdisciplinary research on innovative hybrid materials and functional systems. IRIS Adlershof provides important impetus for the development of Campus Adlershof by making use of bridging professorships, developing shared infrastructure (Joint Lab for Structural Research) and increasingly collaborating with business and industry. It promotes young researchers by working closely with the Graduate School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof (SALSA), which is funded by the Excellence Initiative.


The third IRI of the Humboldt-Universität works on the transformation of human-environment systems (THESys). It serves to connect the sustainability research conducted at several different HU faculties. The aim of working more closely with non-university partners in the field of climate research is to make use of and maximise synergies. Junior research groups are set up with the specific goal of promoting excellent young researchers.

IRI Law & Society

The Law & Society Institute (LSI) Berlin is a place for interdisciplinary legal studies at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. It was established in 2008 by Prof. Susanne Baer and awarded Integrated Research Institute at HU Berlin in 2019, funded by the German Excellence Initiative.
The LSI Berlin aims to complement doctrinal legal research by the systematic inclusion of social sciences and the humanities, critically reflecting the opaque separation of knowledge by different academic disciplines. By its interdisciplinary approach, functions and interdependencies of law, as well as its regulatory force are examined in an integrative and methodologically reflected way. In doing so, the LSI considers itself as part of the international law and society movement that emerged from legal realism.
As Integrated Research Institute, LSI supports trans-faculty cooperation and, thus, serves as a framework for innovative approaches of socio-legal research from different academic denominations. It cooperates closely with national and international partners such as the Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies.
The Institute comprises different research areas with projects conducted both by the academic staff and associated researchers. Besides, LSI’s work is accompanied by a so-called project group and by visits of international guest speakers and researchers.



Dr. Philipp Barbaric

Servicezentrum Forschung
Ziegelstr. 13c
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 2093 12904

Postal Address:
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin